Duely paid my council tax this morning as usual but then opened a letter which said I owed over £800 and would be taken to court! Rang them up screamed what the fudge is going on, after a lot of umming and ahhhing they said oops we got it wrong!
= Result
Had no extractions or fillings at dentist just advice on sensitivity, so went to Boots bought lots of sensodyne toothpaste and mouthwash as they had a 3 for 2 offer. (Points to spend in store 205) :twisted: :lol:
= Result
Celebrated with buying a new top, the under vest thingy that was supposed to be there was missing so got a good reduction.
= Result
3 Results = 3 Glasses of red wine drunk though a straw so as not to discolour my newly cleaned teeth!
Things are looking up!