Dear Fellow Justchat Users.
I have been told you are wondering why i have not been posting much on here lately, and have been told you are worried about me. Please don’t worry, as there’s no weed.. I mean, No Need!
Here’s what happened.. The story so far..
T’was a normal monday morning, i happened to be driving to work, when this happened..

The wall was to blame.
I was told by doctors not to go back to work, and also to take things easy..

I decided t’was time to return to Justchat, when this happened..

OH F U C K was my initial response..
Then Mel suggested I go fishing, try and take the weight of the world off my shoulders..
I had a GREAT time..

I decided I’d eat the fish I caught, but it didn’t agree with me..

Went to visit my family..

The party games got outta hand..

So, i got into a fight..

Sorted them all out though, innit..

Got a new look now though..

Even proposed to Mel..

But don’t worry, i’m on my way home, got plenty of weed for ya’s all