I used to hide deep in the shadows
The darkness of the night was my only companion
Loneliness was a regular feeling for me
And hope was as far as away as the stars
I get the sudden urge to open up my heart
To let my brick wall of hate down
And let someone in
I fear falling
They say try try again
But my pain overrides that saying
I’ve never let anyone see me before
The real me
A person full of compassion & humor & sensitivity
A person who cherishes the unwanted
Opening up is like standing on the edge of a cliff
It’s terrifying, deadly, but exciting
Will I jump or will I fall?
I will only allow myself so much more pain in this life
Then I’ll shut off from the world again
But I still have faith
That faith keeps me alive and breathing
How will this end?
Not in tears, not in screams, not in sadness I hope
The present time is a low point
But I dream of a high point
Where I can live……………….how I miss living
So will I jump or will I fall?
Only time will tell