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  • #2985

    I used to hide deep in the shadows
    The darkness of the night was my only companion
    Loneliness was a regular feeling for me
    And hope was as far as away as the stars
    I get the sudden urge to open up my heart
    To let my brick wall of hate down
    And let someone in
    I fear falling
    They say try try again
    But my pain overrides that saying
    I’ve never let anyone see me before
    The real me
    A person full of compassion & humor & sensitivity
    A person who cherishes the unwanted
    Opening up is like standing on the edge of a cliff
    It’s terrifying, deadly, but exciting
    Will I jump or will I fall?
    I will only allow myself so much more pain in this life
    Then I’ll shut off from the world again
    But I still have faith
    That faith keeps me alive and breathing
    How will this end?
    Not in tears, not in screams, not in sadness I hope
    The present time is a low point
    But I dream of a high point
    Where I can live……………….how I miss living
    So will I jump or will I fall?
    Only time will tell


    The light inside me shines no more
    the smile that once shown on my face no longer appears
    the hope has drained from my body
    and the love has weakened my heart
    my soul slips away
    and there is nothing left but emptiness
    tears well up in my eyes and the pain pours out of me
    the hatred lurks in and possess the little faith I had left
    I stand here broken
    and there is nothing I can do to fix it
    happiness is so far away and I can’t seem to reach it
    the bricks build higher and higher on my shoulders
    I let out a stressful sigh and there is no more air left to breathe
    I have become my worst enemy
    and I have the world to blame
    why is this life so meaningless?
    I just thought id mention it..
    to whom it may concern


    So much despair :(


    Hi Lou-Lou….

    Some strong emotions in this one…I like the way you describe how you feel!!


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