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22 October, 2016 at 12:21 pm #1004143
At least you got the name of the village right this time sceps, take a bow.
22 October, 2016 at 12:27 pm #1004147Hysterical?? Post is pretty valid considering the past on deleted posts
Thank you, ms K. A voice of reason as well as wit ever since I’ve been in JC. Almost everyone of my posts seems to attract the 3 or 4 notwits with attacks ranging from petty malice to (in one person’s case) the berserk You said it all, Ms K., and they’re still not going to listen. If I spent my time answering them (or taking them seriously), I’d have no life. And every day would be spent fretting about the latest post. It wouldn’t surprise me if this post didn’t lead to a similar railing, so I will reply to them when I feel it’s important to do so. Sorry, spend your life thinking about something else than driving me off, you gang. It ain’t gonna happen. I’ll leave in my own time, unless you can persuade Martin to ban me. Present a case to never know your luck.
Answers to the only person on the thread that agrees with him – likes to debate my arse, you’re so full of BS it’s untrue.
22 October, 2016 at 1:32 pm #1004165At least you got the name of the village right this time sceps, take a bow.
Thank you, Somer.
I type too speedily sometiems – the results have often been noted by others on JC.
The people of Aberfan had to pay to have the tip removed after the disaster. Well, nobody else was going to cough up the money, were they? Certinaly not the NCB, who had been told of the movments in the tip three years before the tragedy.
They recevied the money back five years ago (with interest) and built a beautiful memorial garden.
I was talking yesterday to someone who was urging me to visit. But no – disaster places I try to avoid. They give me the chills.
22 October, 2016 at 1:59 pm #1004172Nobody uses the other one uses any of the forums but this one
22 October, 2016 at 2:10 pm #1004180Kin ell Kenty why are you defending him on this one, he’s more than capable of turning this on everyone and sliming his way out of it. He’s the first to have digs at people about not reading the boards properly and he’s well guilty of doing just that here. Testicle has dropped one of his bollox here – end of.
Reason….I am not defending Scep….I am replying to SHR’s post
Both are entitled to write what they want…..and both are capable of defending themselves…..if my point is pants….then so be it
22 October, 2016 at 2:12 pm #1004182Nobody uses the other one uses any of the forums but this one
Hence my assumption….Martin is trying to get more activity across the boards but a simple request is obviously too much…..he obviously doesn’t know
22 October, 2016 at 2:54 pm #1004189It won’t work until you get more posters
22 October, 2016 at 4:38 pm #1004202anybody noticed brigg er sorry melders is sounding like anita,”all these freaks are grinding me down,they are wannabees,they cant be me,they might want to be me,but they cantl be me
cos im the best chatter in the world im very very special,I know that cos me mummy told me so
22 October, 2016 at 5:47 pm #1004217It won’t work until you get more posters
Pete is absolutely right.
Shifting posts will never in itself get people talking.
I only go to the serious board when people are respondiong to posts, and that is very rare. – the Aberfan thread is starting to get them – a little.
But as far as I am concerned, unless more posters respond to serious threads, it’s not worth my while going there.
Shifting posts is akin to throwing them in the waste basket. If a thread of mine is transferred there, it alsmost always end of, full stop to quote the once-famous Claire Wales.
*and btw one way of putting off new posters is filling up ream of cyberspace with virulent and ineffective abuse. Knockabout banter is fine; even getting a bit embarrassed is fine (usually); but the toxic crap pouring out for a while now is not attracting dsicussion.
22 October, 2016 at 6:05 pm #1004227Yes, some of the wrinklies who inhabit these boards, think they own the place because of ‘time served’. They won’t put their hands in their pockets and financially contribute, the financial risk is not theirs, yet expect the site owner to pander to their paranoia. If this site is as crap as they keep saying, why don’t they bugger off and open their own site.
hardly a rational alternative…..if you don’t like a hotel you stayed in you find another next time…..if someone doesn’t like this site they’ll find another one not open one of their own…hands in pockets has nothing to do with it….you’ve aired your dislike for Scep and moan about him in most posts yet you stay…why not open a new site where he can’t join?
I have no feeling about the pub pore one way or another. If you want to defend his incessant negative whining on this site and angry attention seeking, that is of course your choice. A thread about a tragedy has been cynically manipulated into yet another pub bore meme, petty point scoring and yet again dragging others into the wretched reality it inhabits. It doesn’t even attempt to disguise its intention, the dour humorless drama queen, who has to be the centre of the Justchat universe.
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