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12 August, 2019 at 1:22 am #1122602
Lmao Geoffrey trolling Moose Face!
Where do I start on this one lolo.
It really is fkin gold dust!
Geoffrey typing one of his essays at me. This one was about ME picking up on Moose Face’s grammar lol.
Well below is a post of your mate’s, Geoffrey, picking up on MY grammar about a day ago.
So your post attacking grammar nerds is actually taking the p1ss out of Moose Face lmao.
Now this just gets better lol. Look what the dopey biatch posted to me lol.
In my original post, I typed the word, “Sufkinperb” lol, this is an expletive inflection, and spelled totally correctly.
Now what Moose Face did was attempt to correct a perfectly correct word of mine, and she did it incorrectly! Lmao. Classic
“I think the point is NO ONE WAS HACKED,
just your idiot sidekick TRYING to hack and failing abysmally !! And the word your looking for isn’t sufkingberb, but sufukingberb”
“Sufukingberb”? lolol What planet you on Moose Face? You speaking Klingon?. Lolo
In response, to this pedantic control freakery of Moose Face’s, I promised to correct all her spelling mistakes from now on. Yes, out of the goodness of my heart Geoff.
Now this just gets better lol. Seriously Geoff you do my work for me @
“Fraid is fine as a word when used int he way Ms M used it. The problem with grammar nasties
is that they know a lot about the rules of grammar and formal English but not about actual English.”
Really now come on Geoff! In the very paragraph where you rant about the use of English, you fk up lad@
“when used int he way Ms M used it. The problem with grammar nasties”.
Seriously Geoff that is the definition of irony. Lmao
Now as for this Kenty chick chipping in that your grammatically deficient post is “your best yet”.
@ Sceppy Poohs….this is one of your best posts (sorry I don’t read your essays)…made me smile….
Well all I can assume Kenty is that this aids illness thing you got going on with this Bob in some three-some, has started to rot your brain hun.
Maybe you should have a lie down…..oops soz, that’s how you got in your aids mess to start with
As for my not responding Geoff well unlike you I’ve been busy today doing real world stuff…lad.
This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by
12 August, 2019 at 8:58 am #1122627Bessie, you’re laughing – if laughing is the right word – so much you have become totally incoherent.
Try as I may to make sense of this diatribe, I fail.
In fact, I’m starting to be unsure of whether you can make a serious point, whether it’s about politics or even grammar. You really don’t seem interested in anything but asserting your own bizarre superiority through lfmao.Talking to Ge and Rumblebum a bit too much?
I mentioned Lynne Truss’s bossy little book on grammar, and that you follow her in failing to see that formal and actual English are very different. Grammar freaks know a lot about formal English, but not about actual English.
After this nonsense discussion about sufkberb , I’m not sure you’re capable of understanding what anybody else says.
Still, why try to understand when you can lfmao about everything and everybody. Larf, she could have died. oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. How tickled you are.
There’s apparently a Buddhist story about the laughing stone.
12 August, 2019 at 9:13 am #1122630Lmao Geoffrey trolling Moose Face!
Where do I start on this one lolo.
It really is fkin gold dust!…
Now this just gets better lol. Look what the dopey biatch posted to me lol.
Now this just gets better lol. Seriously Geoff you do my work for me @
Really now come on Geoff! ….
Seriously Geoff that is the definition of irony. Lmao….
Now as for this Kenty chick chipping in
As for my not responding Geoff well unlike you I’ve been busy today doing real world stuff…lad.
“A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing”.
12 August, 2019 at 11:49 am #1122632Geoff I can see you have posted something, but as I do not have the time you obviously have on your hands, and the fact that I refuse to even scan your essays, I am not reading it.
Nor shall I read any of your posts, so those aimed at me are not being acknowledged by myself.
12 August, 2019 at 11:57 am #1122634Talking to Ge and Rumblebum a bit too much?
I see what you did there Alfie/Geoff, but actually I don’t speak to the Wigan pie muncher outside the boards and of course far less than you do on them.
Geoffrey typing one of his essays at me.
But for those who might not understand how Geoffs mind works, i’ll help you out.
The Wigan pie muncher has a degree in English Lit, no ifs or buts about it, it was pretty damn stupid of Geoff in the first place when he attempted to mock the grammar of someone with far more knowledge in the subject than him.
Geoff being Geoff googled away like a madman until he came across “Lynne Truss’s bossy little book on grammar” and presented his findings to publicly humiliate the Wigan pie muncher and cement his delusion on the boards that he is in fact the font of all knowledge.
Now you need to understand, Geoff will NEVER forgive the Wigan pie muncher for this heinious crime but it doesn’t nessessarily mean Geoff is right and that the Wigan pie muncher is wrong.
12 August, 2019 at 7:24 pm #1122686Geoff I can see you have posted something… I am not reading it.
Nor shall I read any of your posts, so those aimed at me are not being acknowledged by myself.
Now I understand that!
Someone who is so insecure that she’s constantly telling us all that she has a degree and a PGCE plus an A-Level in History in a desperate attempt to lord it over people.
I saw your history post on Franz Ferdinand, and it wasn’t A-level as much the level of the History Channel.
Ditto with your discussions on grammar, where you claim correct grammar for ‘sufkingberb’, but not ‘sufukingberb’. You must be relying on the fact that nobody actually reads it beyond the lah-de-dah haut en bas approach.
Your political contributions are all on the line of Wigan pie-muncher vs GEraldine banter. They’re really not serious. I felt good when a committed anti-Brexiteer joined but it doesn’t look to me that you’re doing anything other than trying to annoy all the Brexiteers here. Persuasion is beyond someone who relies on superficial news-tweets to create a long post of fol-de-rol about how superior she is.
God, reminds me of those god-awful teachers I remember from the old secondary modern days; they march into the classroom to tell you how stupid you are and then reminisce about all the academic tw*ts they met when they were dong a mediocre degree.
Sure, ignore me or don’t, it’s of no concern to me because the answers indicate someone who finds it hard to grasp an argument, never mind develop one.
12 August, 2019 at 7:45 pm #1122693The Wigan pie muncher has a degree in English Lit, no ifs or buts about it, it was pretty damn stupid of Geoff in the first place when he attempted to mock the grammar of someone with far more knowledge in the subject than him.
Her knowledge of grammar, doesn’t strike me as that impressive, any more than yours. An awful long time ago, I studied linguistics, where grammar is important (as opposed to Eng Lit), though I found it deadly dull. My interest in poetry led to some very interesting points about the formal as opposed to the actual use of English, and I could quote an excellent source for that.
Go ahead and google like mad for it. That seems to be what you do.
Now you need to understand, Geoff will NEVER forgive the Wigan pie muncher for this heinious crime
What heinous crime is that??? The usual bullshyte – sounds impressive, but withers on a further look.
You are a worthy sparring partner for badder, with a similarly conceited de haut en bas style which conceals a fundamental insecurity. I’m sure the two of you will have a happy time displaying your wit for us all in many future posts
12 August, 2019 at 7:47 pm #1122695Oh do fucketty off you overbearing, pompous, humourless, tedious, dreary bore.
12 August, 2019 at 8:05 pm #1122699Ultimately the same cheap response from the two of them.
The escape of the conceited.
Great minds think alike.
The difference between the actual English used by everybody and formal grammatical English is fascinating. Actual English is much more dynamic, expressing the feelings and thoughts of people in conversation. I felt that mizzy had an instinctive grasp of this when she told a critic of her poetry (cosy if I remember correctly) that the rules of poetry stop you writing actual poetry, or something like that. I was quite imprssed wiht that.
What do you think of the grammar of the following?
Here he lies, the Idaho kid, the only time he ever did.
google it, Gerry, it’s what you do.
12 August, 2019 at 8:44 pm #1122702I felt that mizzy had an instinctive grasp of this when she told a critic of her poetry
Yes, I do recall the very brief ‘spurt’ of poetry on the boards Geoffrey. You spent all your time “critiquing” it, the font of all knowledge and arguing with everyone else who had a different opinion to you.
That soon put a stop to it didn’t it. Like most things on the boards.
This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by
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