Boards Index General discussion Getting serious WHY I WILL ALWAYS WIN

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  • #1122300

    Ladybird Johnson as they called her, President Johnson’s wife of the U.S.A. was the first to remove all those commercialized signs along road ways and side streets as they took away the beauty of landscape and were also a distraction to drivers of any motor may see some scattered around u.s.a..but so much distance and feet still required. Even speed signs are limited in size. So your writer is from your neck of the woods

    Good luck

    Fraid not Linda , we drive on the left ?

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by  mooosey88.

    Lol mooosey..oops forgot..heeeeeeeee :rose:

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    I think you will find the word is “afraid”, and not “fraid” Moose Face. :yahoo:

    Do not worry though Moose Face, I shall be here to correct your English for you from now on, and I will not even charge you.

    “Sufkinperb” eh? ;-)



    “Now your smile is spreading thin
    Seems you’re trying not to lose
    Since I’m not supposed to win
    All you’ve got to do is win
    That’s all you gotta do (ooh, it ain’t over)”


    I see definite factions within this room  ;-)

    I know whose side I would rather be on ;-)

    How you doing Rumpy BTW?  ;-)


    I’ve been wondering how Rumblebum is doing as well.

    He seems a natural ally for you, though I do think his grammar needs more than a little correction too.

    As a grammar nerd, I assume that you have heard of (maybe read?) Lynne Truss, whose bossy little volume Eat Shoots & Leaves has sold 3 million copies. What Truss did was to allow the people who know the rules of grammar to get pleasurably cross about the many, many people who get their grammar wrong.

    As for your correcting Mooosey for using the term ‘Fraid’ instead of ‘afraid’, it shows you up. Fraid is fine as a word when used int he way Ms M used it. The problem with grammar nasties is that they know a lot about the rules of grammar and formal English but not about actual English.

    Just saying, like (note how that phrase is grammatically incorrect, but I’m still using it, oh yes) :yes:

    2 members liked this post.

    I think the most important thing is to consider just what one is fighting for, before focusing on winning it.

    That is one of my quotations BTW. ;-)

    Something Boris and Farage should have considered over FOUR years ago B-)


    I’ve been wondering how Rumblebum is doing as well.

    He seems a natural ally for you, though I do think his grammar needs more than a little correction too.

    As a grammar nerd, I assume that you have heard of (maybe read?) Lynne Truss, whose bossy little volume Eat Shoots & Leaves has sold 3 million copies. What Truss did was to allow the people who know the rules of grammar to get pleasurably cross about the many, many people who get their grammar wrong.

    As for your correcting Mooosey for using the term ‘Fraid’ instead of ‘afraid’, it shows you up. Fraid is fine as a word when used int he way Ms M used it. The problem with grammar nasties is that they know a lot about the rules of grammar and formal English but not about actual English.

    Just saying, like (note how that phrase is grammatically incorrect, but I’m still using it, oh yes) :yes:

    Sceppy Poohs….this is one of your best posts (sorry I don’t read your essays)…made me smile…. :good:

    1 member liked this post.

    sceppers the dik shows up……….ass licking is his name and ass licking is his game………


    I’ve been wondering how Rumblebum is doing as well.

    He seems a natural ally for you, though I do think his grammar needs more than a little correction too.

    As a grammar nerd, I assume that you have heard of (maybe read?) Lynne Truss, whose bossy little volume Eat Shoots & Leaves has sold 3 million copies. What Truss did was to allow the people who know the rules of grammar to get pleasurably cross about the many, many people who get their grammar wrong.

    As for your correcting Mooosey for using the term ‘Fraid’ instead of ‘afraid’, it shows you up. Fraid is fine as a word when used int he way Ms M used it. The problem with grammar nasties is that they know a lot about the rules of grammar and formal English but not about actual English.

    Just saying, like (note how that phrase is grammatically incorrect, but I’m still using it, oh yes) :yes:

    Sceppy Poohs….this is one of your best posts (sorry I don’t read your essays)…made me smile…. :good:

    I notice Badder hasn’t responded.


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