Boards Index › General discussion › Getting serious › Why does no one care?
7 December, 2019 at 1:28 am #1128528
Do you people not see my pictures and home address going up on like a regular basis?
Do you people not see him type shit about raping my grandchild?
Do you people not set aside your dislike for me and think to yourselves yeah this is obsessional hatred towards one person?
I make fucking stupid songs about it like its ok because I deal with my shit with humour.
I stopped going in the jc rooms and only use the boards.
I made my own fucking chatroom to ensure that I could deal with my chatroom addiction but at least not be made fucking mentally deranged in the process.
So I leave JC and you arsehole trolls keep popping in to my site and my friends keep trying to tempt me back and I get told:
your site is dead?
hey I will pay for fucking advertising and i will get people in, I want women in my chat.
you lot sit in here watching my pics going up and him posting my address up and him talking about him raping my grandchild and what do you do?
what cos you don’t like me anyway?
and is all about me?
no ones saying hey sarah is a nice person hey sarah is ok
why would I want this shit to be all about me?
It has gone on for too long
I am a real person, ask yourselves if you had your personal pics and home address posted constantly wouldn’t you want someone to give a shit.
I am a mother and I am a nice person and even if I am an arsehole my punishment has been going on for too long.
why wont any of you stand up for what is right?
im the most trolled and abused in JC history.
you all just watch
that is why I said I didn’t want to have you at mine
rather it was dead than have people who think jc is normal
7 December, 2019 at 7:28 pm #1128531Happy Christmas Mizzy. Hope it all goes well for you. Have you got your tree up yet ?
I bought a little cheap one from B and M (prelit). I’m not going to be at home this year so just gonna bung it on a small table and throw a few decorations on it just not to be a bah hum bug !
Morg is going to slit my throat with a broken bottle then shoot me apparently so I’m going to make sure I stuff my face and drink lots of Lambrini ! (I’m cheap like that)!
Seriously not sure what to have to eat Christmas day as I’ve had two turkey dinners lately so am a bit turkeyed out !
I’m sure I’ll think of something though!
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8 December, 2019 at 8:15 am #1128532why does no one care anymore? because most are keyboard warriors who have ruined society. the internet has evolved into something very dark, where manipulation and abuse are the new normal.
its why i am slowly backing away and only using the internet for stuff i really need like shopping, and research etc.
i miss the old days when it was all new and everyone was really glad to chat, that doesnt happen anymore, its morel ike “who’s skin can i get under today” or “lets see how many people i can upset and tittle tattle about”
Y’see to the saddo’s, its all about power! thing is, its only in their head they have that power. if no one gives them power they no longer have it
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8 December, 2019 at 9:15 am #1128533why does no one care anymore? because most are keyboard warriors who have ruined society. the internet has evolved into something very dark, where manipulation and abuse are the new normal.
its why i am slowly backing away and only using the internet for stuff i really need like shopping, and research etc.
i miss the old days when it was all new and everyone was really glad to chat, that doesnt happen anymore, its morel ike “who’s skin can i get under today” or “lets see how many people i can upset and tittle tattle about”
Y’see to the saddo’s, its all about power! thing is, its only in their head they have that power. if no one gives them power they no longer have it
Didn’t a guide expose you a while back as some one hiding as a number abusing people
do correct me if I’m wrong 😊
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9 December, 2019 at 12:39 pm #1128535Think that’s something you should aim at the site owner not the chatters. What exactly do you expect us to do Mizzy? It didn’t bother you at all ripping chatters apart ruining their chat and making assumptions and accusing lots of chatters of all sorts, Morg has threatened loads of us and stalked peoples facebooks, put names up, whatever else. Move on, stay away from the site or follow it up legally , don’t look to others to fight battles for you that really can only be done by you as only you know the truth behind all the rumours.
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9 December, 2019 at 1:00 pm #1128536For the record tho I don’t condone anything he does.
9 December, 2019 at 7:29 pm #1128540Think that’s something you should aim at the site owner not the chatters. What exactly do you expect us to do Mizzy? It didn’t bother you at all ripping chatters apart ruining their chat and making assumptions and accusing lots of chatters of all sorts, Morg has threatened loads of us and stalked peoples facebooks, put names up, whatever else. Move on, stay away from the site or follow it up legally , don’t look to others to fight battles for you that really can only be done by you as only you know the truth behind all the rumours.
Both as bad as each other in my book. But troll and have trolled.As said many times you reap what you sow.Live with it !!!
10 December, 2019 at 7:05 pm #1128543If this is actually true,which I doubt,then the reason people are not defending you is that you yourself are part of the problem. It’s like asking people to stand in front of you to defend you against a man with a gun when you keep passing him bullets. In the room you claim to be abused in,you advertised where you were going, you can’t feel threatened if you’re willing to A post pictures of yourself,advertise where you live and tell people including your stalker(if he exists) where you are going,all of which you have done. Ergo people see this as you attention seeking, again. Because if you really wanted him gone,you wouldn’t tell him where you were going.
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11 December, 2019 at 8:52 am #1128551If this is actually true,which I doubt,then the reason people are not defending you is that you yourself are part of the problem. It’s like asking people to stand in front of you to defend you against a man with a gun when you keep passing him bullets. In the room you claim to be abused in,you advertised where you were going, you can’t feel threatened if you’re willing to A post pictures of yourself,advertise where you live and tell people including your stalker(if he exists) where you are going,all of which you have done. Ergo people see this as you attention seeking, again. Because if you really wanted him gone,you wouldn’t tell him where you were going.
NO, NO, and thrice NO.
Advertise where i live? wtf? ‘claim to be abused in’ COOKOO
Dunno what this woman is on but I’m giving it a swerve.
11 December, 2019 at 9:30 am #1128552Happy Christmas Mizzy. Hope it all goes well for you. Have you got your tree up yet ?
I bought a little cheap one from B and M (prelit). I’m not going to be at home this year so just gonna bung it on a small table and throw a few decorations on it just not to be a bah hum bug !
Morg is going to slit my throat with a broken bottle then shoot me apparently so I’m going to make sure I stuff my face and drink lots of Lambrini ! (I’m cheap like that)!
Seriously not sure what to have to eat Christmas day as I’ve had two turkey dinners lately so am a bit turkeyed out !
I’m sure I’ll think of something though!
I hope all goes well for you too Rose, I’m putting up my tree today as I’ve not felt like it til today, I wish you a lovely Christmas thank you for commenting on the post. We can raise our glasses of lambrini and then chuck it down the sink and pour us something a bit more fancy! Two turkey dinners already? You could have a little joint of beef, Iceland are doing them for 6 quid im going to bung it in the slow cooker then crisp it up in the oven on the day.
Laine – Merry Christmas to you too your comments also appreciated I hope you have a good day x Lots of love to you x
To the people who popped to see me relating to this – thank you.
To the nice people who still bother coming here MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! XXX
In response to pepsistupidnamestupidperson’s remarks (which were untrue and rather crazy and as usual made bugger all sense i might add) and liked by the sidekick (bless her).
I’ve never posted anyone’s naked pictures or home addresses, anyone who owns a brain would know this, I have also never posted my own address and naked boobalas up either!!
Come on what did i say? hey here’s a horrible picture of myself no one wants to see 5 million times some cretin took and why not come round and murder me I’m free on Sunday??? That’s one of the most stupid comments you’ve ever made and you have made rather a few.
Seriously its like conversing with a brick with some of these.
And furthermore the people who keep harping on about someone else getting ‘attention’ are usually just vexed because they aren’t getting any.
Please take all the attention you need, some of us could do with the time off.
Some people make a splash and some just a tiny ripple.
Stick with being the ripple and be grateful for it.
That is all you are capable of being anyway in all fairness but keep making up lies about me – probably the only time you actually do get any attention.
I am sure slagging me off has made you very popular here, shame its not about you, your personality or any merits you have.
Also, shame you do not possess any of the above.
I could lie and say I hope you have a Merry Christmas but instead I hope Santa craps down your chimney and the same to all of your scummy troll friends you giggle with!
So this was my gift to you at Christmas – some of the attention you crave!!! You can talk about it now and troll me with glee!!!!!
Just put a t before the rolling – lets all sing!
Keep trolling!
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