Boards Index › General discussion › The locker room › Why are female tennis players paid the same as male tennis players?
8 July, 2017 at 10:50 pm #1059463
As well as the sports I have mentioned women could compete with men in boxing, football, athletics and some would win. The women would outjab the men using their speed to win on points and in football have faster wingers to win matches. If people think women would lose then as Ge says they are sexist pigs. It also doesn’t matter how many sets women play as they are under more cyclelogical pressure so I think they deserve more pay and if you don’t agree then maybe you should TAKE YOUR SEXISM AND RACISM SOMEWHERE ELSE.
Well said Suzanne43, some people on this site have suggested you are really male, DOA or Alfie pretending to be a female ID to troll this site, I defended you against that sexism and in my eyes you are all women.
Ty Ge , I can see you are a real man on this site defending women against this racism and sexism. It’s good to know there are some real men on here that know how to treat a lady
8 July, 2017 at 11:05 pm #1059471Maybe empathy was the wrong choice of word. I was thinking particularly of dressage, women generally tend to dominate that sport, build up better relationships with the horses. The equal pay thing, I get where you’re coming from but if you accept women are weaker and not capable of playing the same amounts of sets, are you not discriminating against them for their physical inability by saying they need to equal men to get the same pay?
Women are capable of playing 5 sets as they can run marathons/ other endurance events so can’t see an issue with it at all , although like I said I think all matches should be over 3 sets…the 5 set matches go on forever. The best argument for equal pay is the training argument which is hard to disagree with but still think both genders should play similar length matches whether that is 3 or 5 sets. I’m referring more to championship rewards for the winner in terms of pay like wimbledon rather than general pay for tournaments where they play the same number of sets . In Wimbledon the prize money for men should be higher as the men are working harder for it- simple as that.
I have no interest in tennis, know nothing of the pay structure so I cant make an informed argument for or against in all fairness. If men are more capable physically, in strength and endurance, and women played the same amounts of sets, would the women not be working harder just to keep up? You could argue women deserve more as they are at a disadvantage because of their gender.
They do , I think the reason women don’t get paid more is down to sexism and it needs to change. Infact I would go further and stop men competing as womens tennis is more interesting and if you prefer mens tennis well you can take your sexism elsewhere as far as I’m concerned . Don’t let the door hit you on the way out
8 July, 2017 at 11:16 pm #1059476Women are sub to men. Its fact. Women are there for breeding and men are there for gathering the things required to breed money, weapons etc. Come on this argument is older than neoandathilic times. As for tennis, who gives a flying tampon/condom/ testtube about the funding its a posh version of grunting.
8 July, 2017 at 11:23 pm #1059477Women are sub to men. Its fact. Women are there for breeding and men are there for gathering the things required to breed money, weapons etc. Come on this argument is older than neoandathilic times. As for tennis, who gives a flying tampon/condom/ testtube about the funding its a posh version of grunting.
This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by
8 July, 2017 at 11:29 pm #1059483You can report me for racism all you like. Get the IRON out , Y ?
9 July, 2017 at 12:27 am #1059487You guys are so funny
While, as a woman, I agree that generally we are physically weaker than men, that doesn’t make us inferior.
You guys went out hunting, defended us from predators, while we sat around the fire, safe and warm, cooking. All we had to do was feed you and partake in sex now and then. Who’s really the inferior gender?
We may not beat you with strength but we don’t really need to, do we?
9 July, 2017 at 12:28 am #1059488You can report me for racism all you like. Get the IRON out , Y ?
To throw at you?
9 July, 2017 at 2:43 am #1059500How do you know they are not paid equal or more, for example Serena Williams through sponsorship will dwarf any payments male players outwith the seeded top 10 get. I do agree though, prize money should be equal regardless of the amount of sets they have to play… We should all be equal…
9 July, 2017 at 3:20 am #1059501Reading some discussions here, you all remember
Renee Richards? Reading some thoughts he becoming she, played tennis for awhile think in the 70’s.
She finally having complete sex change was an American ophthalmologist.
Think was denied some point to play by the tennis association. But think did play at a US open slam of some sort, or a grand one as a female.
Wonder how a pay scale would be decided then….. or what she did get paid?Laughing then with all of you as most in opinion believe God is a man. We’ll he did make Adam first, and Eve did come second. He could of reversed it. Assume then if the creator of any of our religious beliefs always point being a man, it was decided from day 1 who was the holder of strength.
9 July, 2017 at 3:26 am #1059503P.s. this discussion from me is merely just that.. not anything else.
No judgment on anything else. Get’s me in much trouble otherwise. Hee hee…. -
This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by
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