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  • #450721

    @thin ice wrote:

    @anc wrote:

    yeah, and I have personally emailed Martin and got several threads deleted!

    Methinks peeps don’t like ‘strong-minded’ women! :lol:

    the jc 4

    Aww bless you thin ….. there you are again .. craving attention …… anyway – beats being in the witches coven with you thats for sure . :wink:



    lmfao here – dunno about anyone else, but funny watching him innit?! :lol: :lol:


    @anc wrote:

    lmfao here – dunno about anyone else, but funny watching him innit?! :lol: :lol:

    well i only do it for fun :roll:


    @(f)politics? wrote:

    why does everyone think they are getting a raw deal one gets away with this the other gets away with that, each and every one of us me included have ranted off and been out of order and out of line at some time in the past the secret is to realise when you’ve gone too far not blame anyone else and rectify it and try and think twice in future. and more importantly not look to stick the knife in where at all possible no matter what yourfeeling are towards someone, nette you dont like thin we get that but the way others conduct themselves on here at times you make no comment on… do you see where im coming from here ?
    no one is whiter than white, thin is the biggest wind up merchant going and at times goes too far, cosy gets angry and rants and raves and abuses people, goes too far, one abuse is no better than another all are equally out of order, maybe we should just step back remove the names and personalities from the post and actually look at the words and see many many are as bad as each other.

    Have been thinking about this Polly . The part where you say, i make no comment on the way others conduct themselves on here … Goodness me , can you imagine if i did ! . Good lord , i’m already being accused of poking my nose into other peoples business, and being ‘In ‘with the guides and Hosts, oh and , having the power to get threads deleted :roll:

    If i see my name being mentioned on here for all to see, then Yes , i am going to respond, of course i am.

    And btw. i took your advice , and stepped back …. It didnt work, sorry.


    If i see my name being mentioned on here for all to see, then Yes , i am going to respond, of course i am.

    That’s the spirit!

    I bet being 92 or 93 years old you were a Land Girl, “Dig for Victory” and “A Stitch in Time” and all that, eh?

    Made good old Blighty what it is today, eh?

    Freedom of speech and all that.

    We salute you.



    @panda12 wrote:

    If i see my name being mentioned on here for all to see, then Yes , i am going to respond, of course i am.

    That’s the spirit!

    I bet being 92 or 93 years old you were a Land Girl, “Dig for Victory” and “A Stitch in Time” and all that, eh?

    Made good old Blighty what it is today, eh?

    Freedom of speech and all that.

    We salute you.


    And those bloomers of yours – jolly good in the blackout – draped from Land’s End to John O Groats – saved the nation, I heard.



    As a “strong minded woman” i take exception to anyone telling me what i can and cant post.

    I agree that pointless abuse ( which i dont think i have been guilty of) and petty slanging matches and arguments ( which i fully admit i have indulged in) are ridiculous and spoil the boards.

    However, i cannot for the life of me understand how anyone can say that cosy is being picked on . Surely the ppl who say that have read his posts.? His vile abuse and threats of actual bodily harm ( which he attempted to carry out!) deserve the replies they get from the ppl they are aimed at?

    Im sorry Annette, this is not me ” having a go ” at u, but i have to ask myself if the reason u cant see that cosy really is vile is because it is Thin Ice and I who are his main ” protagonists” so to speak. i do think that perhaps that fact my blind u to how bad he and the posts of his that have been objectionable ( not all of his posts are by any means and i have never gone after him on the posts that are not ) really are.



    oooooooooooooooo :shock:



    @cosy.m wrote:

    so eve you have never typed cosy is an evil lying psycopath
    ok thenif thats not vile abuse what is?
    a lot of ppl dont like you eve
    but they just dont tell you,but they tell me
    so mrs snow white ppli glass houses etc etc

    Yes of course i have called u a lying psycho tw@t. Because u are one.


    @eve wrote:

    As a “strong minded woman” i take exception to anyone telling me what i can and cant post.

    I agree that pointless abuse ( which i dont think i have been guilty of) and petty slanging matches and arguments ( which i fully admit i have indulged in) are ridiculous and spoil the boards.

    However, i cannot for the life of me understand how anyone can say that cosy is being picked on . Surely the ppl who say that have read his posts.? His vile abuse and threats of actual bodily harm ( which he attempted to carry out!) deserve the replies they get from the ppl they are aimed at?

    Im sorry Annette, this is not me ” having a go ” at u, but i have to ask myself if the reason u cant see that cosy really is vile is because it is Thin Ice and I who are his main ” protagonists” so to speak. i do think that perhaps that fact my blind u to how bad he and the posts of his that have been objectionable ( not all of his posts are by any means and i have never gone after him on the posts that are not ) really are.

    Sorry, i dont recall saying anywhere that Cosy is being picked on :-k And i also need to say , i have Never said that i Dont think he is vile either. But yes, if asked i will say he disgusts me sometimes. But then so do others on here sometimes too.

    I think maybe , if you go back a couple of pages, you may then gleam where i was coming from. You seem to think i was defending him.. I wasnt at all , i was merley pointing out how, when he stepped out of line with that particular post- ( not sure if you actually saw any of it) How everyone was jumping up and telling him to delete it. Yet others have got away with worse than that, and nothing has been said or about it.

    Also , can i just say , i have never met cosy , and quite frankly hand on heart , i wouldnt want to . But here on the Boards he makes me laugh sometimes, with the silly things he comes out with ( and No , i dont mean the abusive posts, before someone jumps up and starts shouting ) Also i like his poetry. I am also aware , as are most i think , how his moods can change at the drop of a hat. I myself in the past, have been one of his ‘victims’ in the room. 8-[

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