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  • #450711

    i love you all
    some more than others 8)


    No, I’m not just talking about me.

    What i am saying is…….Where are the moderators here? They certainly arent here 24/7 …… and thats my point …. they, it would seem , are Never here- if they were , the threads that should be deleted after getting out of hand , would have been.

    Oh , and one more thing… ‘a wind up merchant’, is a different to an out and out shyte stirring trouble maker. ( now waits to be told , i should know , after all , i am one) Apparently :wink:


    @annette-curtain wrote:

    No, I’m not just talking about me.

    What i am saying is…….Where are the moderators here? They certainly arent here 24/7 …… and thats my point …. they, it would seem , are Never here- if they were , the threads that should be deleted after getting out of hand , would have been.

    Oh , and one more thing… ‘a wind up merchant’, is a different to an out and out shyte stirring trouble maker. ( now waits to be told , i should know , after all , i am one) Apparently :wink:

    Well i cant speak for them annette, but maybe they dont see anything bad enough to stop it as i said if they monitored it too strictly to be fair to everyone half of the threads would be deleted. i guess they feel that whereas in chat you dont have time to second think your words here you do, and as long as its not illegal or brandishing personal safety issues abt people they feel alls fair game, as you quite rightly said its not just one or two its alot of spats and derogatary comments that would need removing if they started coming down on every volatile post.


    morning annette xxxxxxx



    @(f)politics? wrote:

    where i totally agree with you nette that thin does give you a rough time and i dont condone that in the slightest i have not noticed him brandishing innocent names around to get you to do or say something that was my beef with cosy’s thread… i have no beef with cosy or you or anyone in fact just that particular thread, i have never pulled cosy up on his foul posts to eve or eve to him for example but the boards are just getting petty and childish and point scoring whether it be thin cosy kent you panda anc etc etc i wont go on im just fed up with reading it as i have said and will repeat all are wrong and the moderators i guess arent on here 24/7 and if they see something bad enough im sure will act upon it but there are so many silly spats they’d be deleting half the bloody boards … thats aid im quite sure if a moderator was sent a pm if some one was truly upset or offended about something they would take a look at it and judge it on its merits without history or personality involved.

    And just how come you have pulled my nic outta the pot (twice actually)? Pot calling kettle methinks! You have just contradicted yourself in this thread big time!!!! :lol:


    Actually anc … i think maybe the problem is …. we are supposed to sit back , take the abuse , and say nothing , and because we dont , thats when it all kicks off.

    As i said before though ….. One rule for one ………One for another.



    yeah, and I have personally emailed Martin and got several threads deleted!

    Methinks peeps don’t like ‘strong-minded’ women! :lol:


    @anc wrote:

    yeah, and I have personally emailed Martin and got several threads deleted!

    Methinks peeps don’t like ‘strong-minded’ women! :lol:

    the jc 4



    oh! so you going for copyright?! :lol:



    Also, I think you would find it is rather more than 4! – How many you got thin? eh? (oh, I don’t mean how many you been to bed with btw!) :lol: :lol: :lol:

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