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    Is Michael Owen worth £41 million pound ffs and Shrek and Colleen £35 million


    What do you mean?


    I thought it was about sport not money .. those are obscene amounts for a footballer no wonder clubs are in financial trouble


    Aint the Footballers fault. They just grabbed a Winning Lottery Ticket. They bring the fans through the Turnstiles every week.

    It must be gauling though for talented players who were born before the high wages when average Premiership players these days can make 30 grand a week.


    seems to be highlighted more in football then any other sport, all entertainers that are capable of pulling in crowds is going to be worth a lot of money

    football is a tallent, just as much as playing the guitar and writing songs as good as pink floyd is a tallent


    With football theres 11 players on the pitch earning that money week in week out sick or healthy and whingeing at the end of a hard season, tennis players get paid by what they win for instance and i’d guess work a damn site harder than a football player. They’re greedy and it’s about time the clubs took control back. Its not about the crowds either its about the money, and the crowds are not where the money is any more


    I wouldn’t say Tennis players work any harder than Footballers. Tennis Players dont only get paid for what they win either, they get paid progressively more for how far they progress in a Tournament, same as Golf.

    The same thing could be levelled at Actors. Are they worth 10 million for 2 or 3 months work? They bring people into Cinemas though, and make the Revenue.


    Tennis players off sick or injured get diddly squat though, or the money say Shrek got at 17 unless theyre a precocious talent. Have a sht day and a tennis player or golfer will get little money, if a footballer has a shit day he may not even lose his win bonus as long as the other 10 bail him out

    Actors get paid according to what the film makers think starring in their pics will add to the box office takings , yeah sometimes thats a gamble, but football clubs have a finite crowd capacity and with some clubs thats smaller than others no matter what they achieve.

    It isnt about the crowds its about TV and corporate money anyway, thas where the real money is generated


    Who’ll win the title next season, or the season after ? The clubs that can pay the wages is who, although geographical location helps a little.

    Chelsea bought the title it’s that simple same as Blackburn did, except Chelsea could sustain that spending. And wheres the main spending ? Foreign players, so where does the England team get their stars from ? What happened to the players coming up from the lower league clubs ? Wheres the Keegans and his like ?


    I rememeber when Harry Rednapp was at West Ham and he wanted to introduce Pay as you play and none of the lazy gits wanted to know. When has a footballer ever been sacked for being cr4p.

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