Boards Index › General discussion › Art, poetry, music and film › Who's the greatest guitarist?
18 August, 2017 at 3:19 pm #1066120
Who’s the greatest guitarist and why? To me, it has to be Slash from Guns n Roses. Not only is he a great guitarist but he loves guitar and always wants to learn new techniques and jam with who he likes and doesn’t need the G n R label to survive. Nor do any of them to be honest in my opinion but i’m talking guitars here so i’m going for Slash…aka…Paul.
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26 September, 2017 at 3:50 pm #1071745Greatest guitarist of all time must be Jimi Hendrix. If we are talking about the greatest living guitarist Slash has got to be up there with the likes of Eddie Van Halen and Eric Clapton. My personal favourites are Jimmy Page, Angus Young and Tony Iommi.
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26 September, 2017 at 4:26 pm #1071748Chuck Berry is the best ever…..I seen a documentary on it
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26 September, 2017 at 5:15 pm #1071750Well me going little older, agree with those as well,
But Andre Sogivia
Wow he could pick. Self taught.
Keith Urban..few more not in head now
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26 September, 2017 at 5:58 pm #107176326 September, 2017 at 6:36 pm #1071774B.B Kings does it for me..Lucille was the name he gave to his guitar.
A completely useless argument all together. Music is synergy, yin and yang, push and pull. If you prefer one over a another then you like what you like. No need to even bring it up, just keep nodding your head and listen to what makes you happy.
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26 September, 2017 at 7:58 pm #1071782Wow Linda! you mention Keith Urban. What a dude. Plays piano and guitar at least and plays some really moving stuff. Borders on cheesy but hey i can go with cheesy. LOL
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26 September, 2017 at 8:19 pm #1071784Brian May…hmmmm….Yeah have to consider him a great guitarist. I sort of remembered him better on his solo stuff than with Queen. very distinctive sound…take for instance the guitar solo in ” I want to break free.” (Queen track)Brian May plays the guitar and you think it’s like The Sorcerers apprentice where the guitar is making movement of it’s own. Like it’s come to life in Brian’s hands.Awesome! Even to the sene that Brian’s created a monster and he’s fighting to get control back of his guitar. LOL
Love the track by Brian May entitled…Too much Love Will Kill You. Beautiful.
Hendrix was a master of the guitar and a showman. Like Bruce Lee was to Kung Fu.
Over the years, guitar playing has been controlled some what to a pattern that fits in with a certain genre but to me, a guitar can’t be controlled. it lets you take control but it won’t let you define it. In order to tame the beast you have to become one with it and never claim to know the guitar.
Love the BB King track with U2 ..and All along the watchtower..A classic Hendrix song.
No argument….i could have phrased it better. There isn’t an ultimate as they do what they do and people appreciate it for what it is.
Another one up there is Angus Young! LOL
That guy moves an audience like no other. And don’t forget the Iron Maiden guitarists. Every Maiden tune sends a tingle down my spine. Ok one more…never forget ZZ Top…amazing guys.
26 September, 2017 at 8:20 pm #1071786One of my greatest loved songs is You’ll Think of Me by Keith Urban. Got me through one of the worst times of my life. But i can still listen to it and always smile.
26 September, 2017 at 8:25 pm #1071788Great video Sophia..i remember the U2 song now…When Love comes to town Blues guitar legend. (BB King)
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