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  • #1072525

    How about a

    Never mind the bollox


    1 member liked this post.

    Or a ‘seriously dude i am NOT ‘Alfie’ button?

    I think we would all be pressing the crap out of that one.


    I will say this once, and it will never ever happen again in room 1.

    As I promise this person, if they ever attack me, threatened me, Use that awful filthy disgusting language for mature adult suppose to be In this area again, I with REPORT YOU….

    You not only continually provided attack and disgusting foul filthy words directed to me, but others who asked you to stop, and then went after them with your disgusting filthy mouth. Several witnesses saw this filter as this person also destroyed nice chats.

    Evidence go back to 1, look at several previous pages, and you will see the filt.

    I never did what said I did to the person. The cruel attempts to destroy my name, disrespect, rudeness to others shall never ever happen like that again. Assume you drunk again, but I will never ever tolerate the filt behavior again…ever in that form..

    AND never ever think you will make me behave in the manner showed to all of us earlier. Your m.o. Is always the same and frankly you need detox badly with a certified nurse sitting by you, taking your pressures while coming off this drink which rules your daily life. Yes my dear, I have sat in a detox ward, yes in behavioral units, and yes fully qualified to write a well needed service plan for your future.

    Never do that to me again, never ever threaten Mizzy like that again. Never ever threaten all those other people again, cause I will do what you said I did, and never did.

    No one publicly threatens people like that who are normal.this person way surpassed mizzy.


    To get respect you must earn it, and in the 4 months here supporting your issues even with continued malice against me let things go.

    You swallow in gullible people who need your support, but for those who hug in her bossoms, beware, cause this is Satan’s use of Eve……….


    No one publicly threatens people like that who are normal.this person way surpassed mizzy.


    I don’t threaten to meet people for fist fights with my mates.

    If I ever have then sorry everyone.

    Not likely though – I don’t have any mates.



    Or a ‘seriously dude i am NOT ‘Alfie’ button? I think we would all be pressing the crap out of that one.

    That came out so wrong lol

    I meant we would all be avoiding the silly rantings from the odd bods thinking we are him by pressing the button




    Once again you are confusing legality and morality by implying simply because a culture finds something acceptable, it is therefore morally justified. Certain cultures have values within them which are deemed to be ” acceptable ” and legal but this doesn’t make them acceptable if we are using any sensible moral compass. You state “morality is made from the culture we live in ” which is inaccurate … lets use an eg in modern day Britain for something which is legal and fits within the laws of a certain “culture”. In the Uk it is legal for a 75 year old man to marry and impregnate a consenting 16 year old- because it’s legal would you view that as “morally acceptable”? Most would use common sense and realise it represents a fairly revolting act of seediness and immorality yet it is still legal. Decades ago Savile indecently touched numerous underage girls but in that era although not truly accepted , it was deemed the way it was and no one acted upon it despite high ranking people knowing about his sordid activities. Does it suddenly become less acceptable/moral in 2017 because we have new laws , a new culture so therefore more morally viable ? Less than a hundred years ago , black people weren’t allowed to sit next to white people on public transport, this was approved and considered “moral behaviour ” from all sorts of so called upstanding citizens from police to various dignitaries in respected professions. Morality and culture are linked but not to the extent where one defines the other to the extent you believe – simply because the majority of one culture accept something as morally acceptable doesn’t make it so but then it leads to the question of what is ” acceptable”. I have my own moral compass which isn’t influenced by law or society but keep within laws like anyone else purely for self preservation. There is a road near my property which has been 30 MPH for years, I regularly drove down it at 40 MPH as I deemed it safe to do so . Many would start whining about the “law” , yet the speed limit is now 40 MPH so am I now morally right to do 40 but the day before the limit changed immoral and “dangerous”? On the same road, if it was winter I may do less than 30 so rather than quoting laws, cultures and what the masses of non thinking sheep do, use your own moral compass to define a perception of what is moral/immoral. As we are all different, there is no absolute answer and the original thread title is rendered unanswerable.


    my apologies for not replying to this sooner. I hope you’re still interested enough to continue.


    I felt that you misunderstood my post. I wasn’t saying that morality is only tied to culture, or that morality is the same as legality.. I don’t believe it is. I think we have a natural sense of morality, common to us all as human beings, and that our society can distort and warp, even destroy this sense of morality.

    The point I was making followed on from my belief that if there is no God, then anything and everything is allowed. You are even allowed to be good, and have a conscience.

    I was posing two alternatives. Either, we have a natural sense of morality written into our DNA by someone/some force (a Creator, God) – or our morality is written by society. In Inca Peru, the morality of society was based on the sacrifice of people to placate the gods. In our society, morality allows official killing by armies, but imposes all sorts of rules to stop us hurting others. You  are allowed to be good, and law can express this good.

    I believe that morality is written into us, but I can’t prove it. maybe we don’t have any sense of good or bad beyond the rules of our society.

    Whichever you believe, the alternative is as above – there is a strong sense of good and bad written into us (by something), or anything is allowed.

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