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  • #1134992

    Wow Kent you really are an 87 faced nasty despicable deceitful manipulative negative duplicitous petty envious jealous horrible unpleasant excuse for a human being – you clearly have some serious personal issues to resolve. Try not to hurt others while you resolve them eh. Look inwards rather than lash out.

    PS The above is not abuse just an observation and caring advice. I am sure people will disagree with what is and isn’t an opinion.

    I have to thank you Merlin I haven’t laughed so much in JC as I did today …8 words tipped you over the edge to unleash that tirade of abuse…..and I’m accused of lashing out?  :yes:

    the funniest thing was how I’m responsible for the state of JC…not the abusers lol….not the vile registered users…but me  :yes:

    no hang on…even funnier was the fact I’m Dangerous….not the Facebook stalkers…..not the vile abusers who put personal details in the room…..but me  :yes:

    i will also add I’m glad we are all wearing masks because putting make up on 87 faces would take me all day….not to mention the expense….

    have a lovely evening Merlin ….


    For the record…..Divine was chatting most of the day the other day as was Drac and Merlin couldn’t wait to get a new name registered…..don’t give them credit for any loyalty just yet…..sadly that’s JC for you… one really cares about anyone’s leaving

    I’m finding it difficult to understand what you are trying to say here.

    I do not have any loyalty to JC, why would I? :unsure:

    Why do you have loyalty to it?



    I don’t normally post on the forums, I find them an awful place generally, and I don’t normally speak in my “serious” voice but I am going to this once.

    Everyone who is left needs to speak out in no uncertain terms against LD. That includes other guides. It’s utterly unnacceptable behaviour – not just on a “what’s best for chat/chatters” level, but on a serious immoral level.

    I’m asking for everyone who I ever chatted to here on good terms with for 14 years to make your voice heard by the appropriate channel – the “contact us” form on the front page of the website. I don’t need to / wish to be reinstated – I’m over the road now as Imperator on UKChat if anyone wants to join – but this type of abusive and bullying behaviour should not be left unchecked. I applaud merlin, drac, claire, DivineIntervention, and others for already standing up and being counted.

    It’s not as serious as the following poem, but the sentiment is the same. An absolute misuse and abuse of power as a vindictive tool. It makes me really concerned not just about this place, but about the nature of how we are going to be able to have constructive conversations as a society over divisive issues going forwards.

    “First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—

    Because I was not a socialist.

    Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—

    Because I was not a trade unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—

    Because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”

    It’s a shame it had to end this way. I always knew it would end, but I didn’t think I was going to end before JC. May God bless you all.

    I mean lets be honest Guru, what did I do wrong? I’ve compaigned for years now to get rid of the numbers on the site due to the racist and abusive scrolling and comments. I know due to the amount of time you spend in here you are happy to glean attention from either registered users or those who choose to abuse to satisfy your need for attention, even professing that some come here and enjoy the abuse.

    You have simply acted like a five year old, sulking and whinging. You were a good regular chatter until you showed your true colours so won’t be missed.


    Wow Kent you really are an 87 faced nasty despicable deceitful manipulative negative duplicitous petty envious jealous horrible unpleasant excuse for a human being – you clearly have some serious personal issues to resolve. Try not to hurt others while you resolve them eh. Look inwards rather than lash out.

    PS The above is not abuse just an observation and caring advice. I am sure people will disagree with what is and isn’t an opinion.

    I thought Kent’s post was very eloquent and not worthy or your response Jacklumper.


    And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.

    Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city.

    Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.”


    You all seem to think that “everyone here is bad, so that’s fine” – but I am not bad, and never was. Neither should you be. LD got frustrated because I said people chatted in F1 because they couldn’t stand to talk to each other in F3. That was enough to be banned apparently. Maybe the irony isn’t DI talking about going back to F3, maybe it’s the other way around: you guys wanted – and got! – rid of all the people you didn’t want in F1, but can’t stand anyone else saying that’s not your place?

    I find the content of your message to be great kenty, thanks, but I also find the structure of it to be condescending and disappointing.  I’m not asking for sympathy, I’m not asking for attention, I’m not asking for reinstatement. It’s just bullshit that someone in a position of power has the ability to stop friends from talking to each other due to a fit of pique.

    And that is the ONLY thing I take issue with in my decade plus here.

    [P.S. come over tomorrow and let’s make this up over pillow-talk ;) ]


    get rid of the numbers on the site due to the racist and abusive scrolling and comments. I know due to the amount of time you spend in here you are happy to glean attention from either registered users or those who choose to abuse to satisfy your need for attention, even professing that some come here and enjoy the abuse.

    And yet you refuse to ban people who post homophobic abuse.



    get rid of the numbers on the site due to the racist and abusive scrolling and comments. I know due to the amount of time you spend in here you are happy to glean attention from either registered users or those who choose to abuse to satisfy your need for attention, even professing that some come here and enjoy the abuse.

    And yet you refuse to ban people who post homophobic abuse.


    That is not my quote….stop trying to cause your usual drama… are intelligent enough to quote correctly as we have all seen


    That is not my quote….stop trying to cause your usual drama… are intelligent enough to quote correctly as we have all seen

    I didn’t do that intentionally, direct your complaints at Martin.


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