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  • #350532

    Well Ive met three people from the net (not from here) and we are still close and have met up three times now and they are all coming to our next party. But we met having more than a few things in common, so its given me a belief that meeting people from the net is not always a negative thing.

    I dont think there is anybody on here I would not like to meet, but I must say the more secretive people get me really interested, like Minim and Toy. Sunny and Pats would be a real crack, god would we make it out alive! Rubes… you know hun. :wink: Me and Rubes have had many a late night telephone convo, and also a few sober ones too, and I know we will meet one day. Also Poli cos we could talk for england, and not fall out despite having opposing views.

    And Pebs and Born of course!

    Sianny and Sgt would be for my anything goes room :wink:

    PP, cos she makes me laugh and she must bring her lil doggy.

    Rainny and Matty cos we are all three of us having it off anyway, so that would be no different.

    Emma, PB, Geoff, Gofra, Root/Dagger/Kev, Tommy, and Lil Fek would be in an annex that I could choose to leave and enter depending on the conversation and mood, and how drunk I was!

    Esme and Cath would be in a little room on thrones with wisdom hats on awaiting to console anybody having trouble making it through the night. Cath with words and Esme with some harsh ones with added wisdom. :wink:

    And I nearly forgot my cloner, it is also invited. :twisted:

    Dawny, Marydoll, Lucky, Sweets, Rob, Lancs, Bad Manners, Bass, Pikey, GG, Geordiegirl, Bon Bon :lol: , Pete, UGO :wink: , and those whose names Ive not mentioned is purely cos I cant remember you (this is hard, like writing a wedding invite list!) you are also welcome. 8)

    DOA, take your shoes off before you enter :lol: :wink:

    Oh and “its andy”, he pops up now and then too.

    If we had everybody there at the same time it would be a riot, and also a pretty equal number of blokes and girls too.

    8) x


    Met a few from here Would i repeat it… hell yeah


    ok will post tmozz cos di.bon bon..sed we ad to pick those we aint met or spoke too.


    Throws a major huff with Shaz …… yer iggied for like ever :twisted: :twisted: :wink:


    @chess wrote:

    Throws a major huff with Shaz …… yer iggied for like ever :twisted: :twisted: :wink:

    shit I saw that you had replied and went “oh shit out loud!

    told ya its bloody hard remembering everybody, no wonder weddings are one of the most stressful times of your life, trying to remember everybody!

    You and Batty (apols to bat too) and all the others, your invited! :P :lol:

    In future I will just use the easy option and say I love you all lol! xx


    you know what sharon you my friend are a little star !!!!!!! xxxxxxxx just hugs hunnie xxxxxxx


    id like 2 meet :D

    scrawny :D
    stainbowshyte :D
    suckme :D
    puke :D
    ineedago4analprobe :D
    pubes :D
    shesagoer :D
    stan :D
    butt muncher :D
    prats :D
    scatty :D

    and sum more but i cant rem them at mo :D


    captain I did remember you when I was typing my post, but couldnt remember your username, only your siggy that has always made me laugh.

    Im putting you in with the Geoff and Andy and PB room and then you can shack up with me sianny and Sgt :wink:


    I never realised what a boring tw*at I was till tonight


    @fastcars wrote:

    I never realised what a boring tw*at I was till tonight

    omg I never realised how many damaged ego’s there would be!!!! :)

    your so invited, and you know what room Im putting you in too. :wink:

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