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  • #350637

    @catz wrote:

    @sharongooner wrote:

    @Captain Charisma wrote:

    me :D

    you are funny and I do miss your posts :lol:


    Ooops did I sign in with the wrong name :shock:

    Dont you fucking start! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    As though I’d ever have an alias! :evil:

    Or would I ???????


    @sharongooner wrote:

    Ive not had the pleasure of meeting Fest!

    There isnt really anyone on here tbh, even those who come across as a bit wierd id be interested to see what they are like in real life and find out if the wierdness is an act, and ask why they do it.

    Bon bon, what are your choices then? Youve not said on either thread.

    I had an eye opener, most people have been the same as on here, Catz is even cooler offline though :wink:

    Rubes is the same, a fooking laugh and a drama queen (in the best kinda way)

    Lucky… slapper :lol:

    Rainny…. irritating :wink:

    Oss, I’ve met him more than once… gets pissed far too quick and is a slushy mushy mess! :roll: :lol:

    Matt is cool for cats 8)

    GB…. Says it how she see’s it. 8)

    Dirty Davros is dirty :)

    Wangle is a spangly mash up :roll: :lol:

    I can’t think of anyone else.

    But yes all the same as they are on here, I’d say that people thought that about me too :D


    Sian’s much sweeter and fanciable offline than online :wink:


    @catz wrote:

    Sian’s much sweeter and fanciable offline than online :wink:

    Oooerrrr sweeter? ffs catz! :lol: *growls*


    Sorry did I spoil the image?

    Sian’s a tigress … all teeth and claws! RAAAARRRrrghh!!!!!!!!!! :lol:


    I agree, from the names you have said its easy to see who’s real.

    Id have em all.


    @catz wrote:

    Sorry did I spoil the image?

    Sian’s a tigress … all teeth and claws! RAAAARRRrrghh!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

    You didn’t see me in the bedroom did ya!!? 8) :lol:


    @*Sian wrote:

    @catz wrote:

    Sorry did I spoil the image?

    Sian’s a tigress … all teeth and claws! RAAAARRRrrghh!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

    You didn’t see me in the bedroom did ya!!? 8) :lol:

    Webcam wired to us for easy access to copy and sell elsewhere :wink:

    Joking! :lol: :lol:


    I’ve thought and thought and I honestly can’t think of anyone I’d hate to spend the day with.
    Mind you theres a few I would struggle to be with longer than an hour (or is there) :?

    Did that make sense :?

    Who cares

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