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    I don’t think that Trump is actually very right wing, he has argued for a single payer health system in the past, amongst other things.

    He has to appoint right wing people at the moment to keep the rebublican part on his side if he wants to actually get anything done.


    drac, it depends on how you define right-wing??

    He’s not a conservative, any more than Marie Le Pen, Geert Wilders, Putin, Farage are conservative.

    Mussolini wasn’t a conservative in his day.

    Most of the above endorse major public spenidng programmes whihc are more associated with the Left.

    So did Sir oswald Mosley in his day.

    But does that mean than none of them are right-wing???



    I would say it makes them more center-right than anything.



    it doesn’t sound as though you know your history, for one thing. Mosley was the elader of the British Union of Fascists.

    They are generally seen as radicals, appealing to the same wortking-class people who were drawn to the Socialists and communist in the past (Le pen is a classic, as the mass ex-Communist vote shifts to her, but Farage’s appeal is to the labour working-class voters of the Northern cities left behind by globalisation). In many ways, such as a demand for more public spending on infrastructure, they are very similar to the Left.

    But they aren’t left radicals. They are seen as radicals of the Right (hence the Far Right).

    For you to say that Trump, Farage, Le Pen etc are centre-right is startling ebnough to beg the question, Just what does right-wing mean? for them to be in the centre?

    I would say they are reactionary Right in the fullest sense of the word. A guy called mark lilla has just written a book about such reactionaries called The Shipwrecked Mind. They are people who want ta return to a past whihc was ogreat but betrayed by a liberal establishment.

    For you to call them centre-right would definitely place you in oppsotion to Lilla. So how do you define right-wing?



    drac, it doesn’t sound as though you know your history, for one thing. Mosley was the elader of the British Union of Fascists.

    I wasn’t talking specificaly about any of the people you mentioned except for Trump. Secondly, I reject the idea that fascism is limited to right wing politics. I can name left wing fascists for you if you like.

    In many ways, such as a demand for more public spending on infrastructure, they are very similar to the Left. But they aren’t left radicals. They are seen as radicals of the Right (hence the Far Right). For you to say that Trump, Farage, Le Pen etc are centre-right is startling ebnough to beg the question, Just what does right-wing mean? for them to be in the centre? I would say they are reactionary Right in the fullest sense of the word. A guy called mark lilla has just written a book about such reactionaries called The Shipwrecked Mind. They are people who want ta return to a past whihc was ogreat but betrayed by a liberal establishment. For you to call them centre-right would definitely place you in oppsotion to Lilla. So how do you define right-wing? skep

    To me the left / right divide is only based on ecconomic policies, for example infrastructure spending is a left wing policy, the right wing counterpart would be to privatise infrastructure and to let the free market invest in it. I would define a centrist is someone who holds both left and right wing views simultaniously on different issues, this describes most rational people who are not ideologues. For this reason I don’t really consider myself to be right wing, but I align more with right wing political parties because I am more conservative on social issues, which are usually more important to me than ecconomic ones.


    I also believe some ecconomic policies can be centre themselves, in the thread about tipping and minimum wage in the US, I said that they should have better protections for employee pay.  I think the left wing policy for this issue would be to pay all employees in the compay the same regardless of their position, and the right wing one would be to have no minimum wage at all and let market forces decide the value of a persons labour. I don’t know if this helps explain at all, I am very tired.


    To me the left / right divide is only based on ecconomic policies, for example infrastructure spending is a left wing policy, the right wing counterpart would be to privatise infrastructure and to let the free market invest in it. I would define a centrist is someone who holds both left and right wing views simultaniously on different issues, this describes most rational people who are not ideologues. .

    The problem wiht this very eprsonal definition is that it tends to lead to some bizarre examples.

    Under it, Hitler would be a centre-right politican. He had expansionary economic policies based on state intervention  at every level, and he succeeded in wiping out unemployment, leading Germany to escape from the economic catastrphe intow whihc it had fallen.

    Of course he was a mixture of different ideas – but his right-wing social attitudes – lebensraum, anti-semitism, women back to the kitchen – are what make him rightwing, not his economic policies*. He was a socialist, after all, but a national-socialist in the particular meaning of the term.

    I understand the seriousness with which you try to assess today’s world, drac, but while right-and left-wing definitons are difficult, yours doesn’t work. Hitler was not a centre-right politician – and neither are Farage, Le Pen, Trump etc.  They’re not conservatives either, but right-wing radicals.


    * Economic policies aren’t left or rightwing according to expansion vs austerity, but according to the purposes which they serve.


    You just got to hope he gets voted in now…


    The problem wiht this very eprsonal definition is that it tends to lead to some bizarre examples. Under it, Hitler would be a centre-right politican. He had expansionary economic policies based on state intervention at every level, and he succeeded in wiping out unemployment, leading Germany to escape from the economic catastrphe intow whihc it had fallen. Of course he was a mixture of different ideas – but his right-wing social attitudes – lebensraum, anti-semitism, women back to the kitchen – are what make him rightwing, not his economic policies*. He was a socialist, after all, but a national-socialist in the particular meaning of the term. I understand the seriousness with which you try to assess today’s world, drac, but while right-and left-wing definitons are difficult, yours doesn’t work. Hitler was not a centre-right politician – and neither are Farage, Le Pen, Trump etc. They’re not conservatives either, but right-wing radicals. * Economic policies aren’t left or rightwing according to expansion vs austerity, but according to the purposes which they serve.

    Most political models i’ve seen show Hitler as centre or centre left. Labeling a socialist as right wing seems a bit silly to me.


    any model which sees Hitler as left or centre Left has something deeply wrong with it.

    Eysenck did a lot of weird models like that – he also used them to show that women and blacks were intellectually inferior. It all works on how you define centre.

    Methinks the model is based on false premises. Hitler’s approach to lebensraum, anti-semiticms etcc are subsumed under authoritarianism, How Hitler is at all on the liberal, or ‘neo-liberal’ side (and that means whatevery anyone wants it to mean) is beyond me.

    That particualr model seems very poor lol

    Read Hayek, who is the main writer on economic liberalism, in The Road to Serfdom. Hitler is the opposite of an economic liberal.



    It’s maybe not the best model, but its the first one I came across from a somewhat legitimate source that had Hitler on it.

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