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2 November, 2021 at 3:21 pm #1142428
omg ive metarphorised into a guide
please forgive me lads,
2 November, 2021 at 8:34 pm #1142431Are you people allowed outside.?
3 November, 2021 at 12:01 am #1142433lol i can think of some here should be put in straight jacket, never mind being out side. :
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3 November, 2021 at 1:02 am #1142434dunno bout the rest of them,,but i am with my carer.
3 November, 2021 at 2:41 am #1142435sooo are we outing names now top stuff
ok then id like to nominate milky he came to blackpool and said to me
“alroit cose any banks here need robbing”
me “er i dont know tbh why dont you ask them?
milks,”oy will rob the feckers dry”
me,”woh hang on a minute nobwipe theres cctv all over the show.milks”no probs cosy man sussed it”
me “how”?
him “cos im from bristol they dont know me”
i think very soon after that i just of sighed,sorted to question my own existence then slowly slid away,i mean come on some people eh? ycmiu.
3 November, 2021 at 3:07 am #1142436i know i should edit the last bit started etc but i honestly cba
its late innit,,,,,hey i got a question for youse lot?i know its a bit off topic
so ive got a carer shes about 50 odd,pops round on a wednesday bout tennishjean”you arite markie”
me “yeh sound as a mouse do you want a j or a beer or summatt?
jean”behave yourself im driving and why havent you tidied up you could have made a fckn effort at least”
me”well i was waiting for wednesday wannit”
jean”oh so you think im your slave now”
me,”well what does it say on the tin”
jean “what tin?
3 November, 2021 at 3:27 am #1142437sorry back now
so where was i?
oh yeh so i said the tin that rin tin shitt in
jean”oh if you are going to be stupid im off”
me “oi you man woman i mean slow down slam on the brakes meant your job is as it says on the tin a carer
jean “ok im sorry i got above my station is there anything i can help you with”?
funny you should say that but can you help me put the sheets on the bed cos im rubbish at that
5 mins later
jean,”looks cosy that”
me “dunnit”
jean “what side do you want”?
me”can i have the one nearest the toilet so i dont have to clamber over you when i wanta wee”
and guess what day it is as im typing this@2,30 am weds
hmm roll on 10 am
or could you?
3 November, 2021 at 3:44 am #1142438sorry i was thinking about jean that much
i forgot to ask youse the question doh me
1 have any of yous got a carer?
2,would you have one if offered for free like?
3 November, 2021 at 11:05 am #1142440The undertaker was the first I met from here
A true gentleman
3 November, 2021 at 11:30 am #1142441aah ok undie yeh he came to the blackpool meet on a motorbike dunno bout a true gent more like grizzly fckn adams but yeh top bloke i got him a b and b near me secure parking for his bike cos he was a bit scared it was going to get robbed,
advert break,anybody seen my vlog on you tube walk on the wild side.?
so yeh anyway hes sound apart from he eats a lot we were having a good drinking sesh and he asked me wherre the nearest kebab shop was,i hate blokes who do that if we are having a drink ,drink fck food so i didnt tell him but he found one anyway then came waltzing in the hotel with a mammoth kebab and chips and he wasnt even staying there
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