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15 January, 2006 at 7:04 pm #182326
@geoff wrote:
I will also talk about other things like Ralph aka Hugh Mungus and Blonde/Blue shagging, even though she claimed he was bald and ugly, but she shagged him anyway but she felt extremely uncomfortable with you and him on the phone all the time she was shagging her undesirable …. bring it on Sian.
Hugh bald and ugly huh? My words? Erm nahhh I don`t think so, go and trawl through your msn logs Geoff and find the actual words I used to describe Hugh :wink:
Hugh is a lovely, funny man, something you will never be…… never in a million years Geoff Anscombe.
(Btw…..I must say I feel extremely priveleged that you haven`t forgotton me yet though Geoff) :wink: :lol: :lol:
@*Sian* wrote:
And how has BB calling hugh bald and ugly go anything to do with me? :lol: I am still in contact with Hugh too, You told me things she had said about me too, I don’t give a shyte, I know you was lying again, just to get back at her for putting your c*ck on JC.
We know the drill Geoff, you don’t suprise anyone anymore, upset Geoff he tries to ruin your life, Mich tells a very graphic story about thatPoor girl, I am glad I said no to your advances :lol:
Nice to see not everyone is taken in by Geoffs lies and fantasy view on life. :wink:
15 January, 2006 at 7:16 pm #182327@soulie wrote:
@morticia wrote:
@soulie wrote:
@pats wrote:
:D :D :D :D :D :D god i luv these *whose shagged who * threads. 8)
we could do with a wall chart
I agree with Soulie – could someone create a chart showing who’s had who please ???? I’m confused now and need some clarification. 8)
i’m working on it, its going to take a while
everyone, tell us who you have slept with, be honest.. don’t be afraid, i am sure it won’t be used against you in the future :)
:D are we talkin cyber shagged or real life????? :-k :-
15 January, 2006 at 7:19 pm #182328real life, cyber is for rude people
15 January, 2006 at 7:22 pm #182329real net il have a bit of both im never fussy :twisted: to be honset as long as there free agents and hurting no1 i dont care if they are shagging sheep be it blow up or real thing is with me memory laterly i carnt remember who as suposed to have shaged who on net or real just jelouse of the basta rds lol :twisted: :twisted: :lol: 8)
15 January, 2006 at 7:24 pm #18233015 January, 2006 at 7:24 pm #182331would i be a tart if i said i slept with more then one person on jc?
15 January, 2006 at 7:25 pm #182332@soulie wrote:
would i be a tart if i said i slept with more then one person on jc?
only if ur were female. if ur male ur a stud. 8)
15 January, 2006 at 7:28 pm #182333cool 8)
15 January, 2006 at 7:29 pm #182334@Captain Charisma wrote:
im a tart :D
So you are female… :shock:
15 January, 2006 at 7:30 pm #182335 -
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