Gosh blossy tell me about it.I was laying on my bed just enjoying the room, when one of the usual pipes up……come on then you coward tell me now what was you gobbing about me blah blah blah.Then the other one starts bleating. yes I was here I saw it all stir stir lol
Sheeesh I nearly chocked on my tea.I mean if I came in and started on everyone who talked about me in that room when I’m not there, well……..
You see its ok if its not them thats being gobbed about, and after the preaching iv had from her she’s no one to talk.
Evry time I’m in “he man” is niggeling and throwing thinly valid insults for the cuven,i cant take that constantly.Nip em back and there all indignant.
I am not there for people to use as a whipping boy.I wont stand for it.About time they got that in to there heads.