Boards Index › General discussion › Getting serious › White liberals are the decent people’s enemy
13 February, 2008 at 9:22 pm #306884
Are non fairtrade products unfair….? Its a con Sharon, designed by white liberals to make decent people feel guilty, thus buy “fairtrade” products.
13 February, 2008 at 9:29 pm #306885oh DO fvck off !
15 February, 2008 at 2:11 am #3068862 stories in the news (thursday), one, the vandalism of the stephen lawrence building, and the other, a racist attack by 4 asian youths on 16 year old Henry Webster, who was punched, kicked and hit repeatedly to the head.
2 bad events.
The white liberals at the BBC who work for our licence fee, report the stephen lawrence vadalism as “racist” and flashed it across the screen as BREAKING NEWS, and an esay of words to describe the incident on their website.
And the story of the thugs who punched, kicked and hit repeatedly in an anti-white racist attack, NO mention of racism, and just a short paragrah explaining the incident.
Which story deserved the most coverage? Would telling the racist attack by asians on Henry explain why multiculturalism and liberalism do not work?
Are you now convinced that white liberals are the decent people’s enemy?
What are you going to DO, to stop white liberals ruining our society?
15 February, 2008 at 10:01 am #306887@emmalush wrote:
…What are you going to DO, to stop white liberals ruining our society?
Er …. stop watching the BBC ???
18 February, 2008 at 2:20 am #306888You know the millions of decent people who drink bottled water, their very bad people, their imoral for spending £1.50 for a litre of bottled water. We shouldn’t be wasting so much money when theres people around the world struggling to find clean water, and in any case, its free from our taps, were so very, very bad.
Well thats the view of white liberal, “Environment Minister” Phil Woolas (WHO?).
He now wants bottled water banned, and thats why he’s one of the decent people’s enemy.
As their employee, do you fancy sacking these white liberals who tell you that you’re imoral?
YOU decide YOUR future.
18 February, 2008 at 9:43 pm #306889Your ignoranace knows no bounds
Try finding out how many LITRES of water it takes to produce ONE litre bottle of water (I’ll give you a’s 7 litres)
Thats why they should be banned…7 litres of water used to produce 1 litre of bottled water. Abso fecking lutely barking.
18 February, 2008 at 10:14 pm #306890So what slavery, the planet is TWO thirds water. You and your fascist white liberal comrades are the decent people’s enemy, we deserve bottled water, free trade.
18 February, 2008 at 10:19 pm #306891I have lovely crystal clear water…but then im blessed ;)
21 February, 2008 at 11:53 pm #306892The enemy of the decent people has reared its ugly head again today, this time the white “brains” from those who run society.
These white liberals have decided to allow 11,310 (14%) foreign nationals who are serving time for criminal activities on british streets, 270 days earlier than HALF their sentence.
These bad people may have commited anything like rape or murder. Quite possibly some of them are illegals who got here because of the white liberal open door border approach, so whats the chances of these bad people coming back very soon, VERY GOOD!
Just why do you vote for white liberals??
22 February, 2008 at 7:34 pm #306893Barely a day goes by without one of the decent people’s enemy showing their hatred of us. This time, “Home Secretary” Jacqui Spliff.
On a desperate mission to grab the asian block vote, Jacqui Spliff visited Leicester yesterday and made statements that are so untrue, that it encouraged the decent people to tell her off!
Ms Spliff said, “Leicester is “special” and the example of “a cohesive community which has got things right. Leicester is the kind of place where diversity is usual and where people get along well together”.
During the hour-long visit to the Conduit Street mosque, she held a private question-and-answer session far away from decent people.
8/10 of the letter’s disagree with Home Secretary Jacqui Spliff, and yet, when she said all this, there wasn’t ONE single journalist that questioned her filthy lies and put her straight.
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