Boards Index › General discussion › Getting serious › Where does the mindset come from?
15 August, 2007 at 6:29 pm #282407
Actually, I just noticed the word “empowerment” was mentioned
One of the conveniently avoided areas of that topic relating to this is the “empowerment” many women get from dressing in what they KNOW is an overtly sexually attractive manner (if they dont know that then they are retarded and shouldnt be allowed out in public unescorted)
Not only empowerment from the mere knowledge of being visually appealing and alluring to a large percentage of men, but empowerment from (in their eyes) being MORE alluring than other women
So the point although often passed off as “feeling good” has its roots either consciously or for some subconciously in being visually sexually appealing, NOT “just” looking good, as showing a maximum amount of bare skin is really stretching the credibility of that claim lol
But its looking good in a visually appealing way and not in the nice trouser suit and well matched blouse and shoes kind of “looking good”
Trying to claim having skirts that are so short they show arse often only clad in a thong is “just looking nice” and isnt sexually driven is just delusion, as is having your tits practically out in the wild
On top of the sexual power and empowerment that sort of look gives by attracting attention they can CHOOSE to accept or not accept theres also the empowerment over other women, which for many women is more important than attraction to men. The satisfaction of feeling you are more noticed than other women trying equally as hard (although claiming not to be) as you are (whilst not actually REALLY doing that lol)
The problem as mentioned earlier is that dressing in a known sexually advertising manner will indiscriminately attract attention rather than selectively, SOME of those people MIGHT be mentally ill or a rapist which isnt known, one of them COULD see someones attire as “wanting it” and follow them out of the club
And this is where the real issue of personal responsibility comes into play, they COULD have arranged to go home with friends, to be picked up, to take a taxi all of which in many instances of this specific form of assault or rape avoided it happening
Thats THEIR choice, thats them taking some personal responsibility for their own safety, thats them showing some common sense and awareness of their surroundings
If however they CHOOSE to walk home alone half pissed and get raped they CANT as far as I am concerned claim to be unblameable
That blame tho doesnt in anyway lessen the rapists blame, thats their own personal blame for their own stupid choices and for putting themselves in a needlessly risky situation because they were too stupid or too drunk (still too stupid for getting so drunk) to have been more responsible
The woman in that situation didnt force the rapist to rape her, but similarly the rapist didnt force her to offer herself up as a victim
If I were to walk blindfolded back and forth across a road till I got run over I wouldnt expect people to blame the motorist, even if the motorist was drunk it doesnt remove MY responsibility for doing something so bloody stupid to begin with
And in the same way in that situation, the motorist would be TOTALLY to blame for being drunk but I would also be totally to blame for being so retarded that I thought it was ok to walk back and forth blindfolded across a road till I got run over
Niether blame lessens the other, both are for each individuals personal stupidity
17 August, 2007 at 5:57 pm #282408I believe that it is a matter of common sense and balance, (but first you have to be blessed with those qualities) there are those who refuse to allow women to walk about without being covered from head to foot in clothing. When you investigate a little further, you find that it’s because they recognise their own feelings of lust and jealousy towards their females and so rather than educating the people to have those “blessed qualities” go ott to try to control the situation.
Then there are girls who don’t recognise that pretty flowers are immediately attractive to all kinds of insects, and need to exercise both balance, common sense and sense of place when advertising their beauty.
17 August, 2007 at 6:44 pm #282409@airbrush wrote:
I believe that it is a matter of common sense and balance, (but first you have to be blessed with those qualities) there are those who refuse to allow women to walk about without being covered from head to foot in clothing. When you investigate a little further, you find that it’s because they recognise their own feelings of lust and jealousy towards their females and so rather than educating the people to have those “blessed qualities” go ott to try to control the situation.
Then there are girls who don’t recognise that pretty flowers are immediately attractive to all kinds of insects, and need to exercise both balance, common sense and sense of place when advertising their beauty.
My God where do you people actually come from ?
Are you Bred this way or what ffs ……..!!!17 August, 2007 at 9:07 pm #282410If I understood what they were saying tho they arent bred as often (with family members at least) because they make their women cover up as they lack any form of self control or morality innit?
I’ve also heard that rather pathetic excuse and personally I think its as much to do with a lack of self worth as anything as well as being a control mechanism to keep what they have even when they would under other circumstances have lost it to someone better
But to claim under any guise that a woman NOT covered from head to toe would cause men to not be able to control themselves is a fucking insult to men as a species and ONLY applies to a rather small pathetic group of inbred tossers who are in desperate need of elextroshock treatment ideally to fatal levels IMO
17 August, 2007 at 9:09 pm #282411Fatal levels I totally agree with. Stupid numpties. :twisted:
20 August, 2007 at 6:13 pm #282412It shouldn’t be lost sight of here that rape isn’t about sex, it is about aggression. Rapists want to hurt and demean. Although a woman who gets drunk and ends up on her own late at night may be more at risk of being raped, it is unlikely to be entirely due to the clothes she chooses to wear.
Rape is violence.
20 August, 2007 at 6:58 pm #282413Saying rape is about violence, power or control is like saying that because ALL car crashes have wing mirrors that crashing is about mirrors
Its a quick fix solution that gets them “cured” as quickly as possible without having to deal with any “complicated” concepts like their own stupidity (where applicable) and getting them out of the office as ssoon as poss so they can patch up the next “victim”
If someones REAL aim was to demean someone or exercise extreme control over them then forcing them to self harm is agreed by psychologists as being the pinnacle of that particular obsession and yet in a world where all these men want to “demean” women and exercise “control and power” over them we dont have a crisis of forced self harming going on, funny that really
It would be like saying that burglary was ONLY about the act of forcing an entry, that the “goodies” arent in anyway attractive to a burglar, that they ONLY burgle for the sheer fun of breaking in and not for monetary gain, but thats not the case is it?
Infact there isnt a single “thing” that people do where one excuse or reason for it can be carte blanche applied to every single instance and every person who does it, and yet with rape thats exactly what we’re supposed to blindly believe
different people rape for different reasons, but claiming its ALL about power and control merely absolves the victim of any guilt for contributing to the act in anyway whatsoever
And yet if its not about sex, and has nothing at all to do with sexual attraction then how come an equal number of crusty old frail battle axes arent raped as attractive women? How come as many frumpy dressed munterish trogladitic lard arses arent raped as attractive or scantily clad women in this form of rape?
Could it possibly, just possibly be that men WILL tend to rape women they just coincidentally I’m sure find sexually attractive because they actually want sex rather than control but for whatever socially dysfunctional reason or perverted kink they have end up having to take it rather than have it offered freely?
And whilst on the topic of kinks, maybe if rape is such a big thing nowadays that women out of pure interest for their own safety should totally desist in any sexual act that DOESNT have an aspect of power and control involved
After all, its a well known fact that ANY activity in time loses its appeal, meaning people then progress quite often onto more extreme forms of the “thing” to get the same buzz
So think for a second how many sexual activities have an actual or psychological power and control aspect to them? Apart from masturbation there isnt many really is there as most have some degree of sub/dom aspect or personal power derived from giving pleasure
How many rapists have been checked for having a fetish for rough sex, bondage, s&m, BDSM, rape fantasising (which many women get off on too btw)
And how many of them will reach a point where the “fantasy” however realistic just isnt real enough?
So, for women to put some effort en masse into cutting down on rape theres a hell of a lot of impirical evidence to suggest they should stop liking the things they do and should stop partaking in such activities meaning men they sleep with wont then become bored with fantasies of rape and want to progress to the real thing
And thats just one widely recognised ACTUAL path towards the mindset of a rapist of many, and yet were still expected to believe that ALL rape is ALWAYS for one reason and one reason only lol, get a grip FFS
20 August, 2007 at 7:10 pm #282414You are missing the point… rape isn’t about sex, it is using the sexual act as a form of violence. Here is a quotation from a psychology study made of rape and rapists:
“One commonly believed myth is that rape is primarily a sexual act. Persons with this belief often unintentionally place the victim on trial. Her motives, her dress and her actions become suspect not only to law enforcement officials but also to her family and friends. The woman’s credibility may be questioned and her sexual activity and private life may be made public. Perhaps because of the guilt, embarrassment and humiliation, rape has been a highly underreported crime. However, throughout the past 20 years a variety of psychologists and sociologists have begun to study the psychology of rape and rapists. Their findings have shown that rape is a crime of violence, often regarded by the woman as a life-threatening act in which fear and humiliation are her dominant emotions. Sexual desire is less a motivation for the man than violent aggression.”
This is taken from a study – Rape: Psychology, Prevention and Impact by
Marcia Cohen and Sherrie H. McKenna both at Yale University.And I haven’t looked at the statistics of age ranges of victims, but clearly you have, so some statistical figures to back up your view point would be welcome.
20 August, 2007 at 9:29 pm #282415LOL@Mckenna, who are you going to quote next Andrea Dorkin?
There have always been misandrist psychologists that will claim men are evil, or more widely remembered comments like “all hetrosexual sex is rape and subjugation” or “all men are rapists waiting for an opportunity” both comments also made by pro feminist physcologists, on the other side of the coin there are equally ridiculous nonsensical views from mysoginists that women DRIVE men to rape and are therefore to blame, but only in peoples very tiny minds are those either the ONLY two possible actualities or the only two trains of thought in psychology
People will choose whichever extreme view suits their own view, thats human nature, but (and IMO obviously) niether is more credible nor less ridiculous than the other, and both serve to further a clear and direct social agenda
Somewhere between the two views there are just as many, if not more psychologists with a more even handed view who do it seems pay more attention to the surrounding evidence than just the crime itself
Again the point I made earlier, sex itself IS about power and control, you cant have sex without their being physical and mental aspects of dominance and subservience, even quite ordinary things people might not think about like a BJ, whether the woman likes to kneel to perform it, whether the man likes her to, whether she prefers him to be semi motionless and other factors are based on subtle forms of power and control
Expand the picture to holding someones wrists during coitous, who goes on top, hair tugging, slapping, dirty talking, slapping, spanking and the link becomes more noticeable, then expand it even further to bondage and its unnavoidable
Those are perfectly common and quite normal aspects of sex, they are there EVEN when its consenting sex so why on earth would someone find it significant when there is also force involved in rape? Infact its pretty hard to have unconsented sex without it really
There isnt one reason every rape in existence has happened, no one solitary goal and I would even admit that it would be just as ridiculous to assume NO rapes are driven by humiliation, power and control as their main driving force as it would to claim ALL of them were which is the point I am making
Trying to claim that ALL are identical when the diversity and complexity of people in general means thats a pretty ludicrous claim is in my opinion more likely to perpetuate and increase instances of it rather than reduce them, reduction can only come from properly understanding ALL the driving forces and triggers included in which WILL be sexual attraction, opportunity, a liking for rape fantasy which then ceases to be enough of a buzz simple sexual frustration and the inability to attain it and many other variants
one such variant is an account I read in a case file of a rapist who chose his victims by how slutty they looked working on the thought pattern that they had “obviously” in his mind gone out to get laid, hadnt done so he almost thought he was doing them a favour
Mixed in with that was his past sexual history where he had first got into the concept of rape because several of his ex’s were quite into BDSM and fantasised about rape meaning he willingly went along with those role plays
So his entire attempt at rationalising the act was they were “clearly” out for sex but hadnt got any, they “probably” fantasised about the eroticism of being raped and therefore although they appeared to protest and resist could quite possibly have been having a fantasy fullfilled and as they were (in his eyes) sluts anyway from their attire and how they were behaving on a night out one more bloke shagging them wouldnt have been a big deal like it would have been to a more decent woman
So where does that fit into your synopsis? Because that sort of thinking is far from a rare one and most certainly isnt the only one that doesnt conform to the rather narrow pick list being claimed as the ONLY reasons, but cases like that, or certainly the details of them arent the ones that are picked to be scrutinised widely funnily enough as they dont support the conclusion thats wanted to be reached
Even psychologists that dont agree with the more politically correct explaination tend to voice their dissagreement subtly or not at all to avoid proffessional reprisal and chastisement
Just because one voice is louder than any other doesnt make it the one thats right, simply the one thats loudest
20 August, 2007 at 9:36 pm #282416Why say one word Uber when there are just so many?? :lol: :wink: Your lil fingers must get sore my friend!
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