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  • #188414

    I donate to both animal AND human charities on a regular basis…I don’t consider human life to be more important than that of any other species on the many cases
    less so :!:

    When was the last time you had a big greasy bag of chips/french fries..smothered in salt and vinegar? :D


    @esmeralda wrote:

    I donate to both animal AND human charities on a regular basis…I don’t consider human life to be more important than that of any other species on the many cases
    less so :!:

    When was the last time you had a big greasy bag of chips/french fries..smothered in salt and vinegar? :D

    Never :!: Thank Goodness :!: :-…

    Now regarding your previous comment – You honestly don’t consider human life more important than animal? Please tell me that you’re joking [-o< . By that rational , you'd actually have to think about either saving a child's life or a chicken's life if you could only rescue one from a burning house.

    When was the last time you actually thought about a comment that you posted?


    How dare you question my beliefs..and what kind of bl@@dy stupid logic has me having to choose between a child and a chicken in a burning house?Guess what..where I hail from..we don’t keep chickens indoors d’oh!
    I found your emphatic ‘NEVER’ at giving to animal charities..says rather more about you than it does me. Let me reiterate… I donate to BOTH animal and human charities. I consider ALL life sacred..although in your case I could make an exception you thoroughly cheeky bitchh. [Incidentally..rational has an e on the end you dimwit]

    So do me a favour.. and go out and buy those frenchfries..and ram them up your by one and sideways.

    When was the last time your single brain-cell had company?


    I did NOT print ‘sweetie’… I called you a bi/tch :!:


    Well sweetheart I didn’t reply with a NEVER – I simply replied with Never. Just because I never have, doesn’t mean I wouldn’t. :) Have you had a little too much caffeine today Esmeralda? I think you’re a bit uptight. I was basically just pointing out that Human Life if a lot more important that Animal Life. Sorry to disappoint you, but you’re a bit presumptuous about my eating French Fries :lol: . Come to think of it :-k I don’t think I’ve ever rammed them up my ass. :lol:

    I see we’re about to develop a nice friendship here Esmeralda. So to answer your question – My single brain cell has had company since the day I was conceived. :wink:

    But, with our new friendship – I must say you didn’t answer my previous question so I’ll just remind you of it.

    When was the last time you actually thought about a comment that you posted??


    @esmeralda wrote:

    I did NOT print ‘sweetie’… I called you a bi/tch :!:

    You’re not a very nice person Esmeralda. You’ve really hurt my feelings. :roll: :roll:


    Don’t touch should be around when I’m actually angry.

    I heartily recommend the french fry enema..after all that coffee and ‘cheerios’ the purge could only do you good.

    Your ‘question’ is only worthy of contempt.Your previous posts hardly mark you out as one of life’s great thinkers

    You started the rant ‘sweetheart’ with your diatribe about the precedence of human life over animal….christ..I only asked if you’d had a bag af chips you dozy bint…

    Boo-ruddy-hoo :cry:


    Esmeralda – You’re really taking these posts way too serious. So if you’re honestly not angry – Why would you refer to me as a b*tch? I’m just somebody who does not agree with you regarding animal and human life. But, if it makes you feel better to “try” and hurt my feelings by saying I’m not one of “life’s great thinkers”, please continue your petty insults. I’ll just drink my coffee and have a good laugh.


    Glad to hear you’re able to drink coffee and laugh simultaneously..

    Y’all don’t choke now #-o


    I can tell that you’re truly concerned about my well being Esmeralda. But please don’t concern yourself =; . I’ve been laughing at you the entire time and didn’t spill a drop of coffee :wink: .

    Now – On with the thread :roll:

    When was the last time somebody did their best to degrade you and failed miserably? :lol:

Viewing 10 posts - 981 through 990 (of 1,457 total)

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