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  • #187554



    @angel1 wrote:

    must i answer that one ?? :oops: :oops:

    when was the last time you really cleaned your home thoroughly?

    You read my mind – That’s what I’ve been doing for 2 days now! Getting a jump start on the Spring Cleaning thing. It’s an Orgasmic Feeling (ha ha) :twisted:

    When was the last time you thanked somebody for doing something nice for you?

    Thank you Pete for doing such a great job on the siggys btw :wink:


    @becky wrote:

    Today and everyday

    When was the last time you cried for something you wanted?

    Honestly – When I was 11 and wanted to move back to Illinois from Florida. It all worked to :wink:

    When was the last time you blushed?


    3 weeks ago wen i redislocated my knee

    wen was the last time i friend turned on u


    Just before xmas in a club he was a pig!

    When was the last time you woke up and didnt know who was laying next to you :lol:


    I’ve never done that….. I’m a good boy me….. honest :wink:

    When was the last time you faked an orgasm?


    1992. And then 2 weeks after she did become available she died. :( :(

    When was the last time you stayed in bed all day?


    Ermmmmm 1993 at a mates sleep over i was 13 :cry: those were the days

    When was the last time you did something so bad it made your heart jump right into your’re mouth?


    this morning

    wen was the last time u did something death defying


    I havent, but will do in the summer, Pluty got me a parachut jump for my christmas :D

    When was the last time you walked instead of taking the car?

Viewing 10 posts - 121 through 130 (of 1,457 total)

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