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  • #5262

    no one posting in f4? what the feck is happening here?

    here is a thought for you

    it is impossible to fold any peice of paper in half, more then 7 times

    give it a go, see if you can do it


    No one ever posts anywhere anymore :(

    I keep checking back but can’t find much to do :?


    I hope so…you’ve got eyes :wink:


    anybody managed the paper thing yet?


    We need more topics… i find it easier to bitch over at GC 8)

    Not tried the paper thing, but i’ll give it a go!


    @rainbowbrite wrote:

    We need more topics… i find it easier to bitch over at GC 8)

    Not tried the paper thing, but i’ll give it a go!

    gc is shyte.. some grumpy old man runs it.. well so i was told anyway by squeezy :P


    yer, I heard all about that grumpy old man too….. everybody pm’d me bout him…. apparantly he is the big bad wolf………


    nope I can’t do it matty lol

    n wot grumpy old man sharon? lol theres loads of em knocking about lol :lol:
    ive got one living next door :D


    …… the only grey in the village……. :D (he is so gonna kill us lol!!)


    he’s not gonna kill us, hes just gonna take the pish from us at the next oppitunity

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