Boards Index Chat rooms – the forum communities Chat forum two boards whats every one doing right now???????

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  • #51403

    @masterplan wrote:

    @tatler wrote:

    Let me know how u get on , i dont want a compitition tho ok :D

    I will do! Oh, I wouldn’t dream of it … *plans to :D/ *

    :lol: x


    sat here with a big big smile on my face




    @taffyfish wrote:


    Whats up Taffy ?


    Yawning :s


    Still looking for that higher dimension . . . Just can’t remember where I put it. :wink:


    Taking a break, having a coffee and perusing the boards.


    Getting ready to go into town and buy the lil guys birthday presents…….also trying to get my head around the fact hes going to be 6 next week, where does the time go?


    Dani he will be in high school before you know it!

    I am sitting here contemplating putting some clothes on, I have just had toast with orange marmalade and 3 cups of coffee and 2 ibruprofen. I think I have a mal de tete coming on :(


    havin a nice fat J :lol:

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