Boards Index Chat rooms – the forum communities Chat forum two boards whats every one doing right now???????

Viewing 10 posts - 6,291 through 6,300 (of 7,966 total)
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  • #49873

    Cookin me scran………mmmmmmmmm scran :)


    Its saturday……. :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Browsing the boards.

    (Eagarly awaits will’s drunken ramble post when he come back pi55hed later). :lol:


    @sarah_1 wrote:

    Browsing the boards.

    (Eagarly awaits will’s drunken ramble post when he come back pi55hed later). :lol:

    me too ! borin aren’t they :?




    @gazlan wrote:


    What’s That Gesture You’re Making With Your Hand?.. :lol:


    One way only……………… :lol:
    never find my glasses….. 8)


    Could use that pic for an advert..

    Bored – Depressed – Lost Your Job, Wife, House.. Bills To Pay.. There’s Only One Option..

    Hit The F U C K I N Bottle.. :shock:


    Singin to the naybers….heehheeehehee :lol: :lol: :lol: together now….loool


    Bored – Depressed – Lost Your Job, Wife, House.. Bills To Pay.. There’s Only One Option..

    Hit The F U C K I N Bottle..

    What for like…… you know :lol: the bottle never hurt me……lol

Viewing 10 posts - 6,291 through 6,300 (of 7,966 total)

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