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  • #46603

    pml something like that.

    and i guess it depends on your definition of short. had it in a chin length bob when i was about 10 :lol: but thats bout it, i cant stand short hair.

    so did ya have fun while i was gone? guess i dont need to ask what u were up to.

    bloody puter closing down on me again :cry: :cry:


    none at all????? feking hell u feeling ill or summat?

    erm…if it is just the fan they only bout a fiver but prob is most shops down here refuse to touch laptops cos they so fidgety. if cant get it done here i’ll have to send it back :?


    lol fraid ur past it babes, but dont worry, thats what viagra is for :D

    n’aa will have a ring around puter shops monday, if necessary will get my brother to give me a lift up to PC world :D


    but cant post from bed with a tower puter.

    im just mailing pics from me fone to meself at mo. found one of my mum looking like she’s about to throw up from our pub crawl the other day :D


    lol ok smartass

    yep interesting is one word for em


    nope my day is pretty much dead methinks.

    i reckon it’d prob be way more exciting being dead!

    u staying at ur brothers tomoz night?


    think u got a winking problem i said winking not w’anking!

    my puter still turning itself off, so if i disappear for night will txt to let ya know


    it’d better stay just a winking prob while im around.

    will do, will get back on n pm ya or summat cos ive used all me credit up again :cry: :cry:


    all u can manage??? dare i ask why thats all u can manage :D :D :D

    hehehe still think ur an idiot for not noticing :D there was a thread on general bout how long it takes to notice a PM, think u need to go announce that it takes u hours :D


    we’re nowhere near even!!!

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