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  • #44763

    @soulie wrote:

    well if you promise to be online a bit more often, i’ll add you to my new world :D

    well my new msn addy anyway

    oh great, ur only gonna add me cos u think u gotta :shock: :shock:

    cheers m8 :cry:


    no, i told ya… whats the point of me adding you, for you to be forever offline?

    thats like me buying credit for my phone… but not having a phone


    well thanx… but no thanx

    im going to piss off now – cant be assed to stay in this shytehole




    talking to a mate


    having a cupa soup.. trying to have a lunch break


    cleaning my mouse


    got any going spare vix… fooking need one :roll: :roll: :lol:


    *catches it*

    ur a lifesaver babe :wink:


    hope the chill pill works kenty

    i’m just sitting here… tapping me fingers.. watching the clock, thinking about making a brew

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