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  • #316233

    @*GG* wrote:

    Remember this confession from the archives? What a laugh, it’s really worth a read. Note the ‘Michelle’ parts LMAO :lol: and also the part were he states he’s for leaving again, and again. and again, oh and again. And yes you’ve guessed it! it’s still going on after all these years! just different people. How sad! how very sad indeed. Whether it’s real life or cyber life, one thing’s for certain! Geoff’s got a serious mental issue that needs to be addressed forthwith. By the same token, you’ve really got to feel sorry for the guy! he obviously not playing with the full deck, he’s minds not altogether right so he’s to be pitied. :roll:

    Read on… :lol:

    With the exception of the people that know … you can all stick your heads up each others ar’ses as you regularly do… you are mind numbing uneducated bores that deserve nothing but the worst in life… you’re scum of the lowest denomination and even when you read back the infestations you cause you cannot understand where you’ve p!ssed on people. I DEFINITELY have no more time for the kind of cesspit this place wallows in… I cannot be doing with the likes of a complete pervert that openly attracts his business, with everyone loving him for it… I cannot put up with some flea bitten b!tch getting off on her own flattery and accusing people of sh!t they do not do purely because they post 3,000 and everyone loves them. This place probably goes down as the sewer of the interactive net, and as hard as people have tried, to pull it out, there are too many that want to drag it back in. And the chatrooms are worse. What a squalid place this is. It’s the equivelant of some housing estate in Tower Hamlets where the police are to scared to go.

    As I said, with the exception of a few, I hope you all drown in your own squalour of this rabid little domain. You are as sick as each other and you deserve each other. Blonde Blue… you totally flatter yourself that anyone gives a toss about you, but it doesn’t stop you being a complete slime… Pete, you are truly the sick minded internet pervert that needs to be kept in check, and who knows I may just ask the police to keep an eye on your activities, SRG is SRG… what more can I say? Pats is just an ankle biter that gets irritating at times … Michelle is the classic player … I hope you lot and a lot more rot because you’re sh!tless and worthless…

    To those that do have their own minds (including those that didn’t like me) kudos to you guys… I have the upmost respect and good luck for your futures.

    As for me? Yeah I’m a ****, I wind people up, I email and PM people and have go’s … male or female, I ain’t fussy … you’re all nothing on here anyway so I don’t even know half the time … yeah I did a cam thing with BB…. she’s well proud of it now … she was on the other end of a cam watching intensely … she wanted it… it was something I’m not proud of but will never do again, I got carried away as she did … but to publish it on the internet? What kind of freak does that to another human being? It’s like someone camming you secretly having sex with them then posting it to cuddles and hugs sites… of course I denied it… what human being wouldn’t? But I realise my mistake now … can anyone trust anyone on here? But hey would you trust a b!tch that gives away info on you when she tells you trust me (I just desperately want to see your c0ck) … am I embarrassed? nope … am I upset? yep … cos she’s another internet liar. No I’m more then upset I am devastated by her actions. Put yourself in my shoes and ask yourself how you would feel if that was done to you. The personal stuff I have on Lisa is quite a large file, but apart from skirting aroung the TRUTH I would NEVER give away personal info about her. Thats the difference between you sick, twisted b’stards and the honest people here.

    I loved Michelle, and I still do, desperately … people like peter the pervert lived off that and wound me up deliberately. It hurt me but he lived off it. Talking to her, gathering his info and deliberatley hurting me. Is that a nice person? Because she is weak minded and the pervert dragged her into his little circle. He pleaded with Michelle not to meet me in November, but she did anyway. He’s pleaded with other women not to meet people, he says he’s ‘protecting’ them. I have plenty on the perve, I have plenty on Lisa… but I choose not to make it public as they do.

    People will continuously try and wind you up, gather information and p!ss on you online… I’ve been online 8 years and I still haven’t learnt my lesson, but this place is as close as I have got. There are people on JC that network with each other and if they don’t like you… God forbid… they will hound you out, by hook or by crook and by whatever means it takes… don’t EVER believe the words ‘I trust you’ from people here.

    PB has allowed BB back with her nic. It’s typical of the network winning over and as long as it happens anyone with a mind has no chance. PB was a personal friend of mine, I’ve severed all ties with him tonight because I can no longer trust him to do what his site rules suggest. The REAL bullies win here every time.

    I’m gutted with what Lisa done… yeah I’m strong of mind and yeah I can take the sh!t you all give me …. but I can’t follow or carry on denying what the likes of Lisa do … I can’t keep up the bravado for long enough.
    I am absolutely devastated by my loss of Michelle and even now as I sit here typing it’s in tears thinking about her. Yeah I went about it the wrong way with her… but absolutely NO-ONE had the right to get involved. Everyone has had the heartbreak of losing someone they love, I’m totally sure none of them wanted taunts from people like the pervert back.

    So there you have it. I’m human after all. I’m gutted, devastated and right now I don’t know where to turn. But it won’t be here. This is the coldest most heartless place I’ve ever had the misfortune to find. So wallow in my grief you self centred b’stards… I hope you enjoy your victory.

    I definitely will not be back after this posting. You won.

    I still love you Michelle xxx

    You’ve just got to LOL… :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Here Geoff….. written by your own hand. In black and white for us all to read. Your confession to being caught wa*nking.

    Now hurry up with those PM’s of mine please. Its getting late and your story is starting to lose credibility.


    You copy and paste and keep for 4 years? You believe it?


    yeah I did a cam thing with BB…. she’s well proud of it now … she was on the other end of a cam watching intensely … she wanted it… it was something I’m not proud of but will never do again, I got carried away as she did …

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    So where is the ‘wanking’ admission you arsehole? Thats about Michelle 4 years ago … do you not move on?


    @pats wrote:

    @sharongooner wrote:

    @pats wrote:

    @sharongooner wrote:

    Anyone for solitaire?


    i got a quiz to do. laters xxxx

    Good luck! :lol:

    was a food n drink quiz..scored a double pointer on a drinks question hehehe. :lol:

    I think you would have got your arse kicked if you failed on that one lol :wink: :lol:


    @pats wrote:

    yeah I did a cam thing with BB…. she’s well proud of it now … she was on the other end of a cam watching intensely … she wanted it… it was something I’m not proud of but will never do again, I got carried away as she did …

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    your just not so good at irony Patricia, your thickness shines through.


    Can one of you still tell me where I wanked? I know it is a source of humiliation to you… but where is it? (enter Patricai with the pic)


    Oh come on now Geoff…. for weeks you have been making a huge scene about PM’s you have got of me supposedly making Pats wet. Please oh please… dont let us all down by admitting you havent actually got any… :(


    It does appear that someone needs to “move on”. :?


    @sword wrote:

    @pats wrote:

    yeah I did a cam thing with BB…. she’s well proud of it now … she was on the other end of a cam watching intensely … she wanted it… it was something I’m not proud of but will never do again, I got carried away as she did …

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    your just not so good at irony Patricia, your thickness shines through.

    not as thick as u trying to get people thinking i do anything as sordid as u do on cam my friend. keep trying….no one will ever believe you. the pms wre a nice try..but anyone who goes in platesmashers knows it was a thread aboutt se x that everyone was posting on. where u get the fastcars making me wet bit from……apart from ur own dirty little mind… anyones guess. you stupid boy.

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