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  • #316223

    @fastcars wrote:

    @sword wrote:

    I’d rather let you deny it Pauly, because I think we both know differently.

    Deary deary me Geoff….. you really are not very good at this naming and shaming game are you. And who mentioned denying anything? If you post the evidence for us all to see then I cant possibly deny anything can I. Now run along…. theres a good lad. Feel free to post any of my PM’s where I claim to make Pats (or anybody for that matter) “wet”.

    Oh Pauly are you relying on the belittling again? It really doesn’t become you. You actually look like a rat that can’t find an escape hole. You are once again denying and justifying your position. You look at pics (for far to long I think) of Geoff allegedly wanking, but his face is never there. Does Geoff defend or justify? No, never. Why? Because he doen’t have to. But you do.

    This place has always been a cesspit and people like you have let it happen. Instead of showing intelligence you have brought the council estate mentality to this forum. I don’t justify or deny anything said of me. I think you are scum and always have done. And when you have the gaul to accuse other people, when I know what you are up to, there comes a time when I think enough. It’s all very well to ask for proof Pauly, I could have done that 4 years ago, but I didn’t feel the need to. What’s your excuse?


    @pats wrote:

    @sword wrote:

    Here she is, can’t help herself… you no longer look after a grandchild Patricia? It was you that delighted in telling us.

    wtf has my grandchild got to do with u posting cr/ap on here……….enlighten me geoffrey.

    Your too thick to reply to, sorry.


    in other words as usual ur all mouth and lies geoff. no proof just made up pms that u an nic read and altered. sad fooker u are. an its gall…..not gaul……..mebbe mims shud give u a few spelling lessons.


    Are you trying to tell me that you havent actually got any PM’s where I claim to make anybody “wet”? :shock: :shock: :shock:

    What a suprise eh… :lol: :lol: :lol:


    So now the both of you are on the offensive, I have nothing to hide, do you?


    @sword wrote:

    So now the both of you are on the offensive, I have nothing to hide, do you?

    neither do we…..ur the one spoutin off about fastcars makin me wet…………oh an btw…….does the pic rott sent me of him and his son in the bath….make mims unfit too look after children….cos accordin to rott she took it.


    Patricia and Pauly my little man you said what you said and I use it.

    For four years you and the prune and various others have used a pic that is ‘me’ … and an arm in a 90 degree position. I have never denied or confirmed, I have no need to justify, but it does it for you guys. I’m happy to live with that, it has told me for 4 years what a bunch of morons you are, and as soon as something is found out about yourselves you all of a sudden defend your positions. Something I never felt the need to do.

    Keep justifying Patricia and Pauly.


    @sword wrote:

    Patricia and Pauly my little man you said what you said and I use it.

    For four years you and the prune and various others have used a pic that is ‘me’ … and an arm in a 90 degree position. I have never denied or confirmed, I have no need to justify, but it does it for you guys. I’m happy to live with that, it has told me for 4 years what a bunch of morons you are, and as soon as something is found out about yourselves you all of a sudden defend your positions. Something I never felt the need to do.

    Keep justifying Patricia and Pauly.

    still waitin fa proof of what u *found*……………..


    gets me strawberries and watches the tennis ball


    Still waiting for proof of Geoff ‘wanking’ … been four years now

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