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  • #316213

    @sword wrote:

    Oh Pauly I am sure you never tell half a story… how is your oneupmanship coming along? Huge post to vindicate yourself… I think we are back to justification?

    Did you forget the missing parts to the jigsaw or did you just deliberately not bring them along knowing how it would spoil your fun?


    Pauly I think your need to justify yourself tells me everything about you… please continue.


    Okay….. lets move on shall we seeing as you are to lazy to go and get the rest of the relevent information.
    You have posted all over these boards that I like to make Pats “wet” for some reason or another. Now for the life of me I can not ever remember saying anything like that to her so if u would be a good chap and post the relevent PM to enlighten me and all our friends here. Its my age you see…. it effects my memory.


    I’d rather let you deny it Pauly, because I think we both know differently.


    @sword wrote:

    @pats wrote:

    @sword wrote:

    Ok what about;

    From: Tokyo Joe (Pauly obviously)
    To: PATS
    Posted: Tue Jan 23, 14:12
    Subject: sex
    Have “U” ever had sex with your hubby after somebody else has made you horny?

    I love plutonic relationships…

    who helped you make that one up?

    Patricia if you can live with the above lie, you are a far worse person than I ever imagined and leads me to wonder how much you have done this, not only online but in life… you aren’t fit to look after children.

    i didnt know i looked after any children. :idea:


    Here she is, can’t help herself… you no longer look after a grandchild Patricia? It was you that delighted in telling us.


    @sharongooner wrote:

    @pats wrote:

    @sharongooner wrote:

    Anyone for solitaire?


    i got a quiz to do. laters xxxx

    Good luck! :lol:

    was a food n drink quiz..scored a double pointer on a drinks question hehehe. :lol:


    Life doesn’t get any better huh?


    @sword wrote:

    I’d rather let you deny it Pauly, because I think we both know differently.

    Deary deary me Geoff….. you really are not very good at this naming and shaming game are you. And who mentioned denying anything? If you post the evidence for us all to see then I cant possibly deny anything can I. Now run along…. theres a good lad. Feel free to post any of my PM’s where I claim to make Pats (or anybody for that matter) “wet”.


    @sword wrote:

    Here she is, can’t help herself… you no longer look after a grandchild Patricia? It was you that delighted in telling us.

    wtf has my grandchild got to do with u posting cr/ap on here……….enlighten me geoffrey.

Viewing 10 posts - 121 through 130 (of 453 total)

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