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  • #316203

    I did not use your words Sianny, you made them up for me… as stated above.


    @sword wrote:

    I did not use your words Sianny, you made them up for me… as stated above.

    I like your swerving styleeeeee :lol:


    What a thicko, I cannot reply to you anymore, I’d have more joy with a pig in a stye.


    I thought you enjoyed it, mixing with the non entities, that is :lol:


    @minim wrote:

    Do plutonic relationships involve steaming magma?

    Please leave magma out of this.
    She didn’t ask to be mentioned and is only steaming because it’s plutonic and she wanted something more, something quite possibly in the way of vulcanic.

    ….they all do you know.


    Can she do the finger thingy…. like Spock?


    @sword wrote:

    @pats wrote:

    @sword wrote:

    Ok what about;

    From: Tokyo Joe (Pauly obviously)
    To: PATS
    Posted: Tue Jan 23, 14:12
    Subject: sex
    Have “U” ever had sex with your hubby after somebody else has made you horny?

    I love plutonic relationships…

    who helped you make that one up?

    Patricia if you can live with the above lie, you are a far worse person than I ever imagined and leads me to wonder how much you have done this, not only online but in life… you aren’t fit to look after children.

    Finally….. the infamous PM’s that I am supposed to have made. :D

    You can be forgiven Pats for not remembering this as it was made over a year ago and to Geoffs discredit he seems to have forgotten to add the post you made in PlateCrashers which led to this PM being sent “and” the reply you sent me. Tut tut Geoffrey….. fancy only telling half a story like that….. [-X now run along and get the rest of the details for our interested lurkers to mull over theres a good chap. Maybe I can help you out a bit with finding the post. If im not mistaken it was posted under a thread entitled “sex”. Hence the title of my PM.. Now run along… we havent got all night. Oh…. and most importantly…. dont forget her reply to me will you… :wink:


    Ironic all this happening on a thread asking about trust on matters that are said in private innit :shock:

    my respek is niche


    Oh Pauly I am sure you never tell half a story… how is your oneupmanship coming along? Huge post to vindicate yourself… I think we are back to justification?


    @sharongooner wrote:

    Ironic all this happening on a thread asking about trust on matters that are said in private innit :shock:

    my respek is niche

    lol good point :)

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