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    If doctors told you that you were having siamese twins. Would you defy medical advice as this young couple have and go ahead? Or would you make the decision to terminate the pregnancy?
    Faith and Hope



    @bat wrote:

    If doctors told you that you were having siamese twins. Would you defy medical advice as this young couple have and go ahead? Or would you make the decision to terminate the pregnancy?
    Faith and Hope

    Wow,,,good question Batty,,,,who knows what any of us would do, this couple made the decision that seemed right for them at the time.

    There have been cases of conjoined twins who’ve been seperated and the condition was so much worse than these two little girls, not that their condition isn’t serious but you know what I mean :)

    I watched a programme a couple weeks ago, two little boys, who were joined at the head. They were successfully seperated. While they still have their own individual problems it seems mainly with movement which is increasing steadily. They’re now 6 years old and continue to improve.

    I hope that these two little ones too, can be successfully seperated and continue to grow and improve, it’s clear they’re loved and treasured.


    I would have kept them.
    This question was given to me when I was having my twins.
    I wouldn’t have terminated my babies for all the tea in China, what happens happens, I dont even think its down to my religious upbringing (Catholic). Though I dont practice religeon anymore. I still couldnt terminate a pregnancy. Cant give you a reason, I just couldnt do it



    @*Dawny* wrote:

    I would have kept them.
    This question was given to me when I was having my twins.
    I wouldn’t have terminated my babies for all the tea in China, what happens happens, I dont even think its down to my religious upbringing (Catholic). Though I dont practice religeon anymore. I still couldnt terminate a pregnancy. Cant give you a reason, I just couldnt do it

    Agreed Dawny. Similar I spose, because of my age when I fell for Mike, 40, the consultant and! the clinic sister both tried to bully me into an Amnio Centisis, I refused outright, said I didn’t care if he had two heads, I wasn’t doing anything to harm this pregnancy, waited too long. Got told I was being selfish etc., said i’ll be that then if you like, but I ain’t havin it! don’t want it brough up again! They still tried, couple times, but I c ocked a deafun lol.

    He’s 20 now, 21 next year, light of my life :wink:

    and apart from lookin like Mr Magoo, Magoo bein a name his dad still calls him lol, he was perfikt!! :D


    Well Cas, I had Chicken pox when I was 8/9 weeks pregnant. They bullied me for weeks to terminate. I told em to eff of, I wasn’t doing it and that’s that. I was 19 and single. Nobody to back me up. I had to stand alone against the medical team. But stand against them I did.
    My girls are stunners. They are 19 themselves now one is a mummy herself and the other will be in Feb.
    I would never get rid of my babies, never, didn’t give a toss what the medical profession said!


    i don’t think i would have aborted them…i just don’t think i could ever go through with an abortion no matter what defect the babies had


    @kentlass19 wrote:

    i don’t think i would have aborted them…i just don’t think i could ever go through with an abortion no matter what defect the babies had

    i feel the same

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