:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: Tommi…. :oops: :oops:
and thanks for the offer again Sauli-Matti :wink:
and… yeah DERRR!!! I have a job at the moment… it’s not going last for long though… that’s why I need to go back to school :?
Now that this poll has been brought back to the top and for everyone to see I might as well give you some updateing information.
– I tried to get into an university to study psychology…didn’t get in
– tried to get into kind of an art school…didn’t get in
– tried to get into an university to study English philology…didn’t get in
– tried to get into an university to study literature… you get the picture :roll:
I still haven’t completely given up. My next step is to get into some of those schools that didn’t get enought people in this summer. I might get lucky…who knows maybe I’ll still have a place to study this fall :) atleast there’s some room left in computer programming in a school near my home… :D would be cool to get there…but…well I’ll let you know then! and I’ll still try the designer thing!!! don’t worry. Maybe some day I’ll become an AD!!! :D :D :D