i hesitate slightly posting this link as it could appear almost to some where i possibly got my information from rather than personal knowledge but for the sake of your dog (whatever abuse is thrown my way )which i feel for cos he is suffering untold stress and i dont want you to think any of my posts are based on cruelty but merely on concern and knowledge, so kent lass i will do, it merely re iterates for you some of the things i suggested i truly hope you can sort this problem but your first question is do i re home or find a way of breaking up the long 9 hours a day he is left alone especially if its every day 5 days a week.
As an addition trying using some phytopet “calm” its a blend of herbs used for their calming properties , these are a good product i use both phytopet “ease” and “boost” 2 others of their products and seem to have great effect.Not all pet shops sell the product but many do if u get really stuck finding the product pm me but im sure u will be able to find a local source some where.
but the link is here for you.
Good luck