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  • #333163

    got him one before…got home from nipping to the shops for 15minutes and he’d dragged it out of the cupboard and chewed it up :lol:


    @kentlass19 wrote:

    got him one before…got home from nipping to the shops for 15minutes and he’d dragged it out of the cupboard and chewed it up :lol:

    Little git eh! Hopefully you`l get some advise from someone…be a shame to have to get rid. :cry:


    i’m a member of a bulldog forum kenty will ask for any advice for you hun. you really need to sort summet b4 ur baby arrives tho.


    didnt you think to train him in the 10 years you’ve had him? :?


    @kentlass19 wrote:

    got him one before…got home from nipping to the shops for 15minutes and he’d dragged it out of the cupboard and chewed it up :lol:

    :lol: :lol: :lol: sorry cant add anything to this thread but that made me chuckle.


    have posted your probs, will let you know what replies we get.


    Ok you may not find the following comments pleasant Kenty but dont forget they are answering purely from your post and dont know you. They are thinking of the dog etc:

    I think the opening comment – “he’s always been a pain in the ****” is revealing in terms of her feelings towards the dog!

    From the list of “bad” behaviours, it sounds as though the dog is unhappy with the environment he is in, and doesn’t get enough exercise. What sort of dog is it? How old is it? How long has it been behaving this way? Does she have the time or inclination to deal with it if she has a baby on the way?

    She asks if she should keep trying or get rid – what has she been trying?

    I appreciate it must be hard, but I think she needs serious professional help, not just advice.

    He could be behaving this way because the lady has a baby on the way and has diverted some attention from the dog to her coming arrival.

    At lot of the behaviour listed is attention seekin g. Dogs don’t give a hoot which type of attention they get, positive, ie being praised for being good or negative, ie being told off. It is all the same to them and they quickly devise ways of getting either.

    ‘Bad’ behaviour is usually done for the attention (telling off) that the dog gets.


    No wonder the dog is frustrated if every time his owner leaves him he is muzzled!
    Sounds to me that this is one very bored (under-stimulated) animal who lacks training and is trying to express his unhappiness any way he can.
    Walking is not enough – dogs need games, tasks, mental stimulation, inter-reaction with the owners etc and etc.
    I think it is very telling that he is choosing to try to ‘kill’ the telly and computer = the things his owner pays attention to rather than him.
    His lack of toilet control is another way of saying “Notice me” as he seems so lacking in fulfilment that even a telling off is better than being ignored.

    Poor dog, I am sorry but the owner’s way of putting things has really rather got my back up toward her

    Since this lady is having a baby in the near future she should consider her options carefully. If he has already shown aggression and cannot be trusted near children then would he be safe with the baby?

    Of course in his view the baby coming into the family will upset the balance and naturally the baby will be bottom of the pack. This can cause lots of serious issues. If the lady doesn’t have the time to work with the dog on these issues before the baby is born then it is my advise that she think of re-homing him to a family that doesn’t have children.

    It wouldn’t be fair to either the dog or the baby should something avoidable happen.

    Not being a meany meany here, but she really has to consider what is best for all, even if it’s something she doesn’t want to do.


    these are the replies i got from my forum

    I think we would need to know how long she has had him. Was this the behaviour he displayed in his previous home, if not what is different in her current home?

    How long is the dog left alone?

    The behaviour sounds like extreme separation anxiety.

    Has she taken the dog on following the death of her mother? How long has she had him? The dog sounds very anxious and distressed at its change of circumstances, poor soul. How long is he left alone for? Is he used to being left alone?


    @pats wrote:

    i’m a member of a bulldog forum kenty will ask for any advice for you hun. you really need to sort summet b4 ur baby arrives tho.

    yea chief ugly dog


    chavs keep dogs as pets

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