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    afternoon guys!

    so…my doggy is a little shyte!

    he’s always been a pain in the ass but lately he’s become unbearable. he gets minimum of an hour walk in the morning then another 20mins/half hour at night.

    he’s absolutely destroying my house when i go out though! we have tried locking him in a room on his own…he broke the lock! we muzzle him cos he howls…he’s learnt how to get it off…he p*sses and sh*ts on my bathroom floor…yesterday he even charmingly did it in some of my clothes!!! he rips apart the rubbish bins, pushes the tv over(he’s broken a cpl by doing that) tries knocking the computer and laptop over…there’s so many other things too.

    being pregnant i’m worried about the safety of the baby and it’s stuff

    so what do you guys think, get rid of him or keep trying with him?? i have no idea whats right for us and him so opinions would be good


    How old is he? Is he left on his own a lot? What sort of breed (not that it matters, just building a picture!)?

    Have you changed routine lately?


    would you mind if I cut and paste your problem to some other people? I know a few dog behaviourists on another forum who will be able to advise you.


    have had him for years,he was my moms before i took him so he must be about 10.

    he used to try and destroy her place but she’d leave him in the garden and he’ll howl the street down.

    no change in routine, we moved back in january but he’s had it better since then! he was never walked before we moved(wasn’t my responsibility then) but is walked every day since so i’d think he’d be better behaved!

    as for his breed, soz shaz i aint got a clue, he’s a mix but i don’t know what


    @sharongooner wrote:

    would you mind if I cut and paste your problem to some other people? I know a few dog behaviourists on another forum who will be able to advise you.

    no, that’d be fine. thanks…i could really use all the help i can get as i really don’t want to have to put him in a rescue center(no-one else i know will take him)

    thanks for them pete! hopefully it’ll have something useful


    Gawd!! it sounds like he needs to go to a dog training school, But I will say, mine
    has to have a “run “over the field everyday.. If I just walk her its not enough, once
    she`s had that run, she quiet happy pottering around the rest of the day.


    I’d maybe look see if theres a dog behaviorist in your area if youve got a local Pets at Home ask there in the vetinarian dept


    @prettypink wrote:

    Gawd!! it sounds like he needs to go to a dog training school, But I will say, mine
    has to have a “run “over the field everyday.. If I just walk her its not enough, once
    she`s had that run, she quiet happy pottering around the rest of the day.

    he can’t be trusted off the lead to run unfortunately, he attacks other dogs and barks/growls at children…if i try to run him on a lead he’ll yank me over :(


    @kentlass19 wrote:

    @prettypink wrote:

    Gawd!! it sounds like he needs to go to a dog training school, But I will say, mine
    has to have a “run “over the field everyday.. If I just walk her its not enough, once
    she`s had that run, she quiet happy pottering around the rest of the day.

    he can’t be trusted off the lead to run unfortunately, he attacks other dogs and barks/growls at children…if i try to run him on a lead he’ll yank me over :(

    Ahh shame…what about an extended lead? It sounds like his bored maybe

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