Boards Index Fun and humour Polls What should be the upper time limit for abortions?

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  • #336156

    @sword wrote:

    Wearing it as we speak, eating jellied eels and drinking London Pride. Cor blimey you’ve got me banged to rights guv’ner.

    Maybe you got that cockney accent off one of your many could be fathers.. who knows eh? :lol:


    @~Pebbles~ wrote:

    essentially there is no difference in aborting at 6 days or 6 months, but were being realistic here, the government were never going to scrap abortion altogether. The best we could hope for was a reduction in the time limit.

    So it bothers you what time period it is, and as we supossedly live in a democracy, it didn’t bother you enough to campaign to your MP who voted on this.

    “the best we could hope for”. That statement reminds me of the stab victim mother who doesn’t believe we can eradicate knife crime.

    If only we believed in our democratic process and government leadership.


    @emmalush wrote:

    No wonder were loosing our democratic rights, ONE vote of freedom here, by ME!

    Why don’t you want the choice 100%, its your body. Whatever happened to the desire for personal freedom?

    What right has another human got to dictate what you should do with your body?

    Im all for the woman aborting at any given time she desires.

    It sickens me that fascist christians think they know whats best because their eveil god told them so.

    FREEDOM !!!

    Classic case of failure to understand freedom (of anything) does NOT mean freedome to do what you like

    ANY freedom carries with it responsibilities

    Let’s take your facile argument that no-one has the right to tell you what you do with your body.

    So some feckwit scrote can get tanked up on cocaine, get in a car, wipe out a family of 4….n thats “ok” cos no-one is allowed to say its illegal to take cocaine and put it in your body cos you should be “free” to do what you want

    Get a feckin life, you make yourself more ridiculous on here every time you post


    This article/picture is on a surgery performed on a baby with Spinal Bifida at 24 weeks in utero. I don’t know what anybody else sees, but that sure as hell looks like a baby’s hand to me. With some of the ridiculous logic spouted on these boards (emma), you’d think nothing of taking that baby’s wrist and slicing is open. Is that really the kind of person you are? The way you speak about abortion, you’re heartless.


    Oh AW all I can say is wow!



    @*Dawny* wrote:

    Oh AW all I can say is wow!

    Yeah me too Dawny. That was an incredible picture. How anyone can say that an unborn baby is nothing more than a body part, is indeed heartless as you say. I,ll ask you again Emma for the 3rd time. Are you a mother?


    Well, I would say this thread is dead now as Parliament has voted on the issue and the 24 week upper time limit for abortions remains and people, whether they like it or not, willl have to accept the decision.
    I was listening to that boring Jeremy Vine on Radio2 and he pointed out that the upper limit for abortion in Germany and France is 12 weeks. He might be right, I don’t know but I find it rediculous to compare countries or even follow other countries in their laws.
    Germany has no general upper speed limit on their Autobahnen, will we introduce no speed limit on our Motorways if we drop the abortion limit to 12 weeks? I doubt it.

    I’m just pleased that our MP’s were given a so called “”FREE VOTE”” and could vote on that subject according to their conscience which, in my opinion, is wrong. MP’s are sitting in parliament to represent we, the people, and they, the MP’s, should have comsulted their voters beforehand instead of voting according to their conscience.
    But that’s typical for our system, one moment we have a”Democracy” and the next moment we have “Parliamentary Democracy” where the elected think they know best.
    The only thing they really know best is how to milk the system and look after themselves.
    Best example, is the rediculous anti smoking law inroduced in England in 2007.
    Why is it that the people of this country aren’t allowed to smoke at their working place, in pubs or restaurants but the MP’s can smoke as much as they like in the Houses of Parliament? One would have thought that Parliament is also a place of work.


    @Man in Beds wrote:

    Why is it that the people of this country aren’t allowed to smoke at their working place, in pubs or restaurants but the MP’s can smoke as much as they like in the Houses of Parliament? One would have thought that Parliament is also a place of work.

    is this true?? I thought smoking in public areas was banned altogether, you cant even smoke in bus shelters anymore, cant imagine that they are allowed to smoke indoors :?


    @~Pebbles~ wrote:

    @Man in Beds wrote:

    Why is it that the people of this country aren’t allowed to smoke at their working place, in pubs or restaurants but the MP’s can smoke as much as they like in the Houses of Parliament? One would have thought that Parliament is also a place of work.

    is this true?? I thought smoking in public areas was banned altogether, you cant even smoke in bus shelters anymore, cant imagine that they are allowed to smoke indoors :?

    I heard that they smoke in Parliament too


    @*Dawny* wrote:

    @~Pebbles~ wrote:

    @Man in Beds wrote:

    Why is it that the people of this country aren’t allowed to smoke at their working place, in pubs or restaurants but the MP’s can smoke as much as they like in the Houses of Parliament? One would have thought that Parliament is also a place of work.

    is this true?? I thought smoking in public areas was banned altogether, you cant even smoke in bus shelters anymore, cant imagine that they are allowed to smoke indoors :?

    I heard that they smoke in Parliament too

    really?! what a pack of hypocrites :twisted:

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