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  • #17053

    People who put empty milk cartoons back in the fridge.

    People who are too lazy to change the toilet roll (in my experence its always the men, no idea why).

    People who spit. Seriously have you no tissue!!!

    People who pull out of parking spaces without looking (I swear if she does it again tomorrow I’m letting her crash into me and I’ll sue her to high heaven)

    Im sure theres more so i’ll be back. x


    i agree with the last one thinks if someone walks out in front of your car and holds their hand up you should be allowed to run the pr1ck over to prove she is not a effin Jedi Knight!


    My kids lol
    I cant stand mess everything as to be in its rightful place
    Loo roll as to go over the top not pulled from under
    My kitchen table as to b set 24/7
    An worst thing is ppl that dont clean up their dog mess.
    Oh I could to on for hours but struggling to see keys on me phone lol


    noisey eaters!!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


    oh god noisy eaters thats reminded me people that eat with there mouth open yukkkkkk.

    cold callers im always eatin my dinner or in the shower or in jc :P

    and people who read over yr shoulder buy yr own :lol:


    I love this post ,i can av a bloody good moan ,Im happy wen Im moaning lol


    People who drive whilst chatting on their mobile phones, sadly its normally women who do this.

    Van drivers, sadly these are normally men lol I could rant about them, but wont!


    @desmondy wrote:

    People who drive whilst chatting on their mobile phones, sadly its normally women who do this.

    In my experience it’s usually male van drivers who do this! :lol:


    @jen_jen wrote:

    In my experience it’s usually male van drivers who do this! :lol:

    Nah van drivers are normally too busy eating pies whilst driving!


    @eva licious wrote:

    oh god noisy eaters thats reminded me people that eat with there mouth open yukkkkkk.

    cold callers im always eatin my dinner or in the shower or in jc :P

    and people who read over yr shoulder buy yr own :lol:

    cant stand it wen ppl eat with their mouth open!!!
    slurping drinks

    ppl who cough without putting hand over their mouth!!!

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