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  • #1025592

    Wallpapering a room and finding you are 2ft short of finishing the job and have to buy a whole new roll at £25! But an idea formed in my head while in the middle of typing this out. In true scouser style I will go into the DIY shop and tear off the amount I need. Before anyone calls me a tealeaf you are allowed to take samples.

    1 member liked this post.

    Well let’s hope you get the right bit of sample Sophia as a good paper will need matching on the print. Hence only three drops per roll if your lucky.

    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by  somer1.

    Well it was yesterday, not today tbh, waking up to the fact that all my contact numbers had been wiped off my phone, being away from home and not being to do anything about it till monday, and even then not sure I’ll be able to recuperate them…..but life goes on   :-)


    getting out of bed..


    Well it was yesterday, not today tbh, waking up to the fact that all my contact numbers had been wiped off my phone, being away from home and not being to do anything about it till monday, and even then not sure I’ll be able to recuperate them…..but life goes on :-)

    gawd … that would be a total nightmare :-(


    Last few days…………cancer


    sat thinking that sometimes the good one are just taken to soon :-(   :cry:


    Finally accepting that java has gone ….. RIP java


    i went into f2 for a nice pleasant afternoon chat, and being dragged into negative horrible chat about suzanne and the FACT! she was calling me mizzy last week!! and giving me all the nasty comments she says to mizzy. and mizzy apologised to me for having to endure such filth. from suzannes mouth/fingers typing at me.  thankyou mizzy. thank you for apologising. we turned the negative chat about suzanne into a nice positive apology. how nice. maybe one day suzanne will apologise. :mail:


    lets not forget everyone. im the bloody victim here. she calls me mizzy and hates on me. follows me into my forum and hates hates hates!!!!


    even her godam jabloney friends say its all my fault. IM THE VICTIM NUMBNUTS! IM THE GODAM VICTIM !!!!!!

Viewing 10 posts - 411 through 420 (of 579 total)

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