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  • #1023358

    I know how manipulative Blossom can be

    I really do think you’re mistaking me for someone else :yes:

    You’ve lured me into PM (when ive been drunk) enough times for me to know. “Alfie” this and “Alfie” that. Blossom I honestly think you truly don’t understand (or care) how you come across to other people and because you don’t understand, I usually let it go.

    Lmao @ lured me into pm How did I do that? Was I wearing something sexy?

    I don’t know where you. *smiles*

    No. I was probably in my pjs, wooly hat and bedsocks if it was night time :yes:



    Oh dear , well obviously more to this between them …. ill say no more except tread careful ….

    Oh my god Moose, I don’t know Blossom anymore than I know you, please… don’t add up 2 + 2 and reach 5. The three occasions I have chatted to Blossom in PM always ends the same way… “Alfie” this and “Alfie” that.




    No. I was probably in my pjs, wooly hat and bedsocks if it was night time :yes:

    So long as it keeps that perm under control, a hat is a great idea.


    No. I was probably in my pjs, wooly hat and bedsocks if it was night time :yes:

    So long as it keeps that perm under control, a hat is a great idea.


    yea Gerry   shes a one aint she ??  makes you look awful !!!



    yea Gerry shes a one aint she ?? makes you look awful !!!

    I never look awful Moose, I always go to bed in curlers and wake up looking tippedy boo.


    firstly its ‘ tickerty boo ‘ and secondly you are starting to look as bad as her




    firstly its ‘ tickerty boo ‘ and secondly you are starting to look as bad as her Disappointed

    Don’t be too disappointed Moose, I don’t know you and I intend to keep it that way after tonights discussion. I won’t jump on your bandwagon, anymore than I jump om Blossoms or anyone else’s.

    Sweet dreams!


    I don’t have a bandwagon, can you get them on amazon ?


    Train station very helpful NOT grrrrrrrrrr

    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by  AngelBabe.
Viewing 10 posts - 371 through 380 (of 579 total)

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