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25 February, 2017 at 10:23 pm #1022996
Seriously tho, these wimen,know Mario is an absolute a**hole and has hurt and upset them, yet they still hound people for him, just for a bit of attention.That is exactly why Mario and I don’t get on, because I’m not one of those people that do as I’m told.If I don’t think somethings right I will say.
Not me reason iv had my say on the subject she can snipe away at who ever.I like boo a decent woman who, if she has a problem with you she will come herself and tell you and you wont see her trying to fight others battles by sniping and trying to take other wimen down.
25 February, 2017 at 11:58 pm #1023001Grown adults behaving like nursery school children
26 February, 2017 at 12:04 am #1023002seriously nice to see you posting dd, wb to the boards.
26 February, 2017 at 12:58 am #1023007baffles me … women calling other women skanks … both having been ‘duped and forsaken by Mario ‘ ? I mean Mario said some utterly disgusting things to Moon in the room , ” get ya fanny shaved ” etc , ” you utter low life skank” was one of many , well , if indeed they did do explicit things on cam , of which I have no idea, , that’s their business, and if it did happen and Mario is now exposing it and abusing Jamie because he’s’ embarrassed about it’ or to impress his latest, well , that’s illegal !! And if he saw ‘it’, he took part didn’t he ?? He’s ok tho ? even tho he took part in this ?, I mean, she can hardly of tied him down and made him look ? and , call me odd, but maybe it was the mans idea ? ?
I cannot understand any woman, with any intelligence or empathy for other women, or man for that matter, liking a man who talks , degrades and is so utterly disgusting in their words and phrases to ANY woman, the way Mario did in forum 3 . Plenty of people in F3 have issues, and yes plenty have been abusive, far as I know Jamie is the only one who ever apologises, and yes, we all know she has an issues with drink, she has been totally honest about it, she tried really hard to change that, and may slip up now and then , but needs encouragement, personally I think JC is the worst place for her to be , but she likes chatting
If you are all so much better than her, then surely you can afford to give her a break ? I don’t mean be her mate or 2 faced , but does the ‘eye rolling’ , lol @ what IT said ‘ really have to go on ??? It really smacks of bullying, I know some have personal issues with her , and i’m sure they are justified, however, when others just jump on the bandwagon because she upset ‘your mate ‘ , well that’s not justified. Its called Gang mentality, and it stinks. Its horrible to watch and its horrible to be on the receiving end of ,,, we have a small glimpse into each others lives, we don’t really know each other only what’s chosen to be typed the rest is all assumed
Jesus people, I’m pretty sure in real life we all care a lot more , maybe if we treat people as we would like to be treated it may help. I’m far from religious, yet my best friend is, its called respecting other peoples values and not ridiculing them just because you don’ t agree
As , presumably, over 40’s you’d have thought we knew this ??
yes I’m guilty of being a pishtaker I know , but not nasty for the sake of it or because my pal said to be. I have my own opinion.
adults …. chatting in a chatroom … ever possible ???
sorry … this boards thing is aceeeeeee
bring it on
sorry felt the need , ignore me if you like , I feel better
5 members liked this post.
26 February, 2017 at 10:00 am #1023096I’d have ‘liked’ Mooosey’s post twice if I could have.
26 February, 2017 at 11:19 am #1023099Mooosey I have never been on cam with Mario.I started talking to him in jc because he asked to dot me.that was when I first heard of him being there.We started chatting and listening to music together, that sort of thing.We did get very close, well I thought, but he did not want anyone to know.We talked for months.I went on msn and saw his pic.I delated him as soon as I saw his pic,i was just nosy.Anyways I told him all what I was going through, but I was getting pissed and going nuts.He did freak me out when he sed he would come to Aber to see me I would have never have never done that.I did get in an awful mess with it all.The next thing I knew I had laney scot and a host of wimen nipping and sniping at me.Not only nipping but saying all sorts of things and bullying.I will take the blame for my part.I was hurt and angry at Mario so I did give them a hard time.Never did I cam with him, never have I talked with him anywhere els but here.When we did make friends again, i asked him to phone me because I felt like he was taking the piss out of me,i just wanted to feel that he was treating me as he was treating others.I truly wanted to be friends and be treated in a normal way.He kept moving the goal posts, causing fights to attract attention in the room so he could get others to stick up for him.Thats how it was like for me.No one will believe that because Mario has never been that way with them.The storeys of the past have been blown out of all proportion,i take the blame for that because I will often say things for badness, because they believe what they want to to help make there storeys suit them.
Why would anyone have personal issues with me except one person who I was friends with and met on many occasions?Anyways. thanks for the words of support, you make so much sense.
26 February, 2017 at 8:35 pm #1023206Absolutely nothing… in a great little mood ?
26 February, 2017 at 8:54 pm #1023211Just loved that post of moooseys, made me feel like I wasn’t on my own and not stupid.
26 February, 2017 at 11:02 pm #1023224oh where do i goddam begin!
the cat
my useless shopping trolley decided to malfunction and crash me into isle three smashing things.
king of mice
my gate wont close properly
junk mail
junk mail in my spam folder
junk mail in my shopping trolley
junk mail in my shopping bags
junk mail on the bus
stom doris nearly killing me
the bus was late TWICE!!!!
my toaster burnt the dam toast
then my bloody tea went cold, i was only in the loo for 2 minutes!!!!cant boiled water even stay warm anymore. ?
i just got upstairs to fnd the dam cat has messed on the floor
oh and lets not forgett the neighbour dog taking a shit in my garden again, are all animals out to get me well columbo would say so.
and right now im just going into f1 to see that big punk kingofmices face. god i hope storm doris has broke his fence or something.
26 February, 2017 at 11:19 pm #1023225oh and magmanimous in f1, i hope the storm breaks his fence too. i think its going to break mines.
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