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  • #37905

    …..but at least it didn’t rain!…… :D


    Eating waaaaay too much today.

    And still not stopping even though I feel sick.

    Now, is there any chocolate left ??? :?


    If you find any, let us ave some eh morty moo! I ran out about half a minute ago!


    fakes :? :? :?


    OH p*ssed me off…but then he said sorry so he’s back in the good books 8)


    Tescos being an hour late with my shopping :evil:


    not so much as whats pi ssed me off 2 day its whats pi ssed me off 4 the last couple of weeks


    My hair pissed me off this morning, my own fault really though, washed it last night and was too lazy to dry it so went to bed with it wet – not a good idea as I have horrible frizzy curly hair. Woke up looking like I’d been electrocuted and spent ages straightening it only to have my hair straighteners decide they’d had enough half way through and broke


    pml galaxy. i have curly frizzy hair too so i can actually picture it!!!!
    get some GHD’s they are fab :D


    I need some new straighteners like, might try those ones I think its the ones my hairdresser uses when I get my hair done. My BF burst out laughing when he saw my hair like, whats worse was is it was about 4 inchs shorter on one side because one side had gone curlier then the other :?

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