afternoonie Tempo xxx
hope ur well hun xx
ohhhh very very fuke’d aff i am… took * frosty knickers * ( my grannie) out shopping… we have a Disabled badge as she is reg disabled… I parked on the main street single yellow line… placed the pass in full view on windscreen…. and still got FUKEN BOOKED… saw the * Traffic Ar5ewipe Warden* went up to him with the ticket and my pass and said. How did i get issued this…?? his only reply was… * It wasnt me… u need to call the number and complain that way..* well after havin trailin aboot the shops with * Frosty Knickers* at the snails pace of 2 steps forward… sway to left , stand for 5mins …. the rage was burnin…. but i walked away…. mutterin alsorts under me breathe..