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    not being able to stick to a diet :cry:



    @geordiebird wrote:

    not being able to stick to a diet :cry:

    awww, GB, how did you slip, it may not be as bad as what you think


    had to much drink over the weekend dee
    and to much crap yesterday when hung over lol


    @geordiebird wrote:

    not being able to stick to a diet :cry:

    Im having trouble with that too :(


    I have to wait for three hours for my bus to leave. :x



    @geordiebird wrote:

    had to much drink over the weekend dee
    and to much crap yesterday when hung over lol

    ahhhhhaaaaa, the dreaded apres bender munchies :roll: ……….never mind flowerpot, just start again from today and it’ll just be a little set back, rather than thinking ‘I’ve blown it si I’ll just pig out’! (Spoken like a true expert!! :lol: )


    welll biggest thing is actually staying online for more than 5 mins ARRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH go broadband they said it’s quicker and better n don’t tie up yer phone line FFS i get dropped every 5 mins and to top it off can’t get back online unless i call someone ARRRGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH kinda defeats the object of having fecking broadband ok rant over ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)


    ^^Sounds like the same trouble as I’m having with broadband :? :(


    grrrr! the jigsaw I was just doing (and nearly completed) on the jigsaw thread just froze….I hate it when that happens :evil:


    Welll…what’s p*ssed me off…

    My bloke is trying to give up smoking (Well, winter is on its way and he will get cold going outside for a ciggy cos I won’t let him smoke in the house :twisted: )

    Anyways….he is trying really hard, but at work everyone else smokes and they are all taking the p*ss…..offering him cigs, blowing smoke in his face, etc. :roll: :evil:

    I reckon that if you can’t give someone encouragement, then you should bloody leave them alone! :(

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