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  • #34305

    Cheesy Little Aussie F*cking C*nting F*cking F*ck :shock:


    @*Dawny* wrote:

    god damn fluckin timewasters on ebay :evil:
    have 2 relist a t in the park ticket now with 9 days to go for the event :evil: fluckin c*nts :evil: :evil: :evil:

    how much you selling it for?


    Nowt…. at all… am a happy bunny :wink:


    never mind jooly.. i will have to do instead


    tar very much, and how is your good self today?


    thought you said.. looking down on a eraction then :shock:


    cheeky but in a nice way :)

    its not much of a creation though is it? eractions i mean


    and if i was 2 years older

    night night.. enjoy big bro… watched it for first time last night, i fell asleep


    @Jooly wrote:

    If I was 10 years younger…..:lol: :lol: :lol:

    …… you’d be 57? :lol: :lol:

    ello petal xxxx


    lots of things pissed me off today :evil:

    first thing this morning I trod bare footed in puppy poo.

    then a silly woman caught my daughter in her eye with a ciggie!

    3 mums arguing in the school playground regardless of their sobbing children

    my MSN playing up

    ive ran outa milk

    just realised the cover needs putting on the duvet :?

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