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  • #425125

    we sell Calpol Gaz :lol:


    we sell Calpol Gaz

    Wonder what it smokes like……. 8)


    @sarah_1 wrote:

    Women who insist on displaying their cheese wire thongs out the top of their jeans. :-…

    And ……. blokes who walk round with their ar/ses hanging out of their jeans specially workies. :-… :-…
    They wanna watch someone doesn’t park their bike. :lol:

    :lol: :lol:


    women wearing bikinis/swimming costumes and don’t tidy the bikini line first


    @gazlan wrote:

    we sell Calpol Gaz

    Wonder what it smokes like……. 8)

    You’re better off inhaling it.. Effects Last Longer.. I once inhaled a whole bottle, and was singing nursery rhymes for at least a week! :lol:


    WOW……..let me just finish smokin this bottle and im gonna try that…..wonder what humpty dumpty sounds like with a dance beat…hehe :)


    Humpty.. Yo Humpty.. Y-Y-Y Yo-Yo-Yo Humpty..

    Humpty Da Dumpty, hey what a numpty.. Sat on da wall, had a great fall.. Wo-Oh-Oh..

    Needs more work, but we’ll get there Gaz.. :lol:


    Eggshell-ent work Woo………. :lol: im just runnin that through the 5.1 processor now…lol


    You’re well into making your own beats then?.. Have you sold any work?


    You’re well into making your own beats then?.. Have you sold any work?

    Yes, a true passion of mine, second only to the discovery of mammory glands in a woman…… :lol: and yes, some of it has been sold… :)

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