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18 June, 2018 at 11:50 am #1098557
Following on from sceppers post….what makes a great movie?….culmination of things in my opinion……Lesson number one…the viewer has to have some interest in the movie in the first place……
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18 June, 2018 at 2:22 pm #1098561Well, mister q, as I said in the original thread…
viewers differ.
What interests my brother or Rocky here leaves me slightly bilious.
What interests me tends to send my brother and almost certainly Rocky running for the exit door demanding their money back.
so Lesson Number One in your post isn’t really meaningful, no?
18 June, 2018 at 10:43 pm #1098572like food or drink. everybody ha sown likes .dislikes and ideas. so a bit of. an impossible. answer ? or not?
basics are clear. entertaining. engrossing. storyline or action that draws spectator into it and forget life in real world . finally when we come away after it ends. memories we want to share with others . feeling glad we saw it .
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19 June, 2018 at 12:15 am #1098574Following on from sceppers post….what makes a great movie?….culmination of things in my opinion……Lesson number one…the viewer has to have some interest in the movie in the first place……
What makes a good movie ? What makes a good song ? What makes a good book … you answered your own question so its a bit of an irrelevant question. A better question would be ” what type of movies do you think are good ? ” as you will never get a definitive answer to the original question due to personal interests…. Personally I love movies based on fact or true life experiences, I love history …. or sometimes just a bloody good story, if I happen to see part of The Green Mile , I cant help but keep watching it till the end , even though I’ve seen it countless times, same with The Shawshank redemption, The colour Purple is another, sci fi does nothing for me, or American comedies, although I remember crying laughing at Airplane many moons ago, it depends on ones mood and how well its done. I don’t think Tom Hanks has made a ‘bad’ film, not keen on rom – coms but he even did those well. To each their own I guess,
Just H, lovely to see some new blood adding decent thoughtful posts, welcome x
19 June, 2018 at 1:56 am #1098578one with no sex in it, to many things promote some sexual thing for some mental reason, if it is porn or some music video or some shampoo product etc all the bloody same type of thing, promoting some sexual fake exp to make people blv it is real, yes things might be real but I really dont think a man can make a moaning noise for 30 min and I dont think a women wants some massive thing shoved at 100 mph in her arse, I am surprised they dont have another hole out the other side ffs, if I want something sexual I wud just use some search engine god that is what I did not like about the transporter movie, Jason was great then he had sex and it became less of a good film but it was still ok, also a movie dont have some bloody celeb in it when we dont need them in it, like that pussy cat doll girl in M.I.B – 3, what also she was in it for about 5 to 10 min wtf is the point just get some random female unknown actor doing that scene, – ffs,who gives a fuk who is in it as long as they can act, also like terminator movies it is annoying when u see some acter who is john conner but is not him and some bad robot who is chineese or whatever, or some old bloody guy saying I will be back… ffs it is bloody stupid, also movies like buried what is bloody long it is about a guy in a coffin and nothing else yes really all the movie is him in the bloody coffin, what else oh yer back to t5 when he smiled, it wrecked it, it is about a the humans being abolished by robots, then he does some bloody smile in it, why dont they just put him in some clown uniform ffs, I am sure I can think of other stupid things about what to me makes a bad movie, so a good movie obv wont have these bs things in them.
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19 June, 2018 at 2:12 am #1098583l but I really dont think a man can make a moaning noise for 30 min and I dont think a women wants some massive thing shoved at 100 mph in her arse,
I bet to differ
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19 June, 2018 at 3:38 am #1098584oh god what have I started, ffs @magmanimous I wonder how u achieve that
19 June, 2018 at 10:01 am #1098591a movie which makes me think, or which moves me.
NOT a movie which makes me blub, like It’s a Wonderful Life.
Movies which make you blub are bad movies.
19 June, 2018 at 10:34 am #1098600one with no sex in it, to many things promote some sexual thing for some mental reason, if it is porn or some music video or some shampoo product etc all the bloody same type of thing, promoting some sexual fake exp to make people blv it is real, yes things might be real but I really dont think a man can make a moaning noise for 30 min and I dont think a women wants some massive thing shoved at 100 mph in her arse, I am surprised they dont have another hole out the other side ffs, if I want something sexual I wud just use some search engine god that is what I did not like about the transporter movie, Jason was great then he had sex and it became less of a good film but it was still ok, also a movie dont have some bloody celeb in it when we dont need them in it, like that pussy cat doll girl in M.I.B – 3, what also she was in it for about 5 to 10 min wtf is the point just get some random female unknown actor doing that scene, – ffs,who gives a fuk who is in it as long as they can act, also like terminator movies it is annoying when u see some acter who is john conner but is not him and some bad robot who is chineese or whatever, or some old bloody guy saying I will be back… ffs it is bloody stupid, also movies like buried what is bloody long it is about a guy in a coffin and nothing else yes really all the movie is him in the bloody coffin, what else oh yer back to t5 when he smiled, it wrecked it, it is about a the humans being abolished by robots, then he does some bloody smile in it, why dont they just put him in some clown uniform ffs, I am sure I can think of other stupid things about what to me makes a bad movie, so a good movie obv wont have these bs things in them.
Gosh say it how it is just LOL
My son and I once watched a film together where the whole film was about some waif looking girl walked camels across the desert, and that is basically ALL she did. Ten minutes towards the end I said to my son well this is crap isn’t it and he said yes I am not quite sure why we have both been sitting here watching this for so long without turning it off.
That’s an hour and a half of life we shall never get back. We still giggle about it to this day.
I thought cos it had the bird from Alice in Wonderland in it that it would be good, but alas no it was really ONLY about walking camels across the desert and I still have no idea what the point of that was.
Bugger that for a game of soldiers.
I obviously lack the intellectual skills to care about whether or not anyone else had ever managed to walk three camels across the desert. Just seemed like bluddy hard work to me.
Maybe that was the point of the silly boring film? Who cares!
19 June, 2018 at 10:39 am #1098601What film was that, Sairs???
Was it Tracks, with Mia Wasikowska???
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