P.s. Angela50SWales..
Needed my java too. Funny you posted this same thing my own daughter and I spent few hours in the very early morning discussing. Not on much sleep myself, she woke me up at 2am crying hard thought something really wrong, and sick. She confided her female friends took what she said, twisted it, and it hurt her boyfriend of 4 years whom she is considering marrying. In her mid 20’s… finally calming a little, resting now. So hurt by it… as a mom too, glad she shared as always does, but she some times waits too late before she falls down to hard and takes while to come back up. Note she has been shutting down too, staying away from friends as of late. Not good either.. again think females can be cruel..sometimes. my daughter also has some anxiety so this too then works with her mental emotions and then starts blaming herself….have to work in few hours, going to be a roller coaster day for me. Hard to focus when your child hurting so deep….